Hello, Swift evolution!
@codafi has been working on the following pitch for primary associated type constraints on existential types, and we'd love your feedback! This pitch is applying SE-0346: Lightweight same-type requirements for primary associated types to existential types.
Note that discussion of generalized existential type constraints is happening over here: Generalized opaque and existential type constraints
Please let us know your questions, thoughts, and other constructive feedback!
Constrained Existential Types
- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Authors: Robert Widmann
- Review Manager: TBD
- Status: Awaiting implementation
- Implementation: apple/swift#NNNNN
Existential types complement the Swift type systemâs facilities for abstraction. Like generics, they enable a function to take and return multiple possible types. Unlike generic parameter types, existential types need not be known up front when passed as inputs to a function. Further, concrete types can be erased (hidden behind the interface of a protocol) when returned from a function. There has been a flurry of activity in this space with SE-0309 unblocking the remaining restrictions on using protocols with associated types as existential types, and SE-0346 paving the way for a lightweight constraint syntax for the associated types of protocols. Building directly upon those ideas, this proposal seeks to re-use the syntax of lightweight associated type constraints in the context of existential types.
any Collection<String>
In essence, this proposal seeks to provide the same expressive power that SE-0341 gives to some
types to any
Though SE-0309 provides the ability to use protocols with associated types freely, it does not leave any room for authors to further constrain the associated types of those protocols, creating a gap in expressiveness between generics and existentials. Consider the implementation of a type-erased stack of event producers and consumers:
protocol Producer {
associatedtype Event
func poll() -> Self.Event?
protocol Consumer {
associatedtype Event
func respond(to event: Self.Event)
If a hypothetical event system type wishes to accept an arbitrary mix of Producer
s and an arbitrary mix of Consumer
s, it is free to do so with existential types:
struct EventSystem {
var producers: [any Producer]
var consumers: [any Consumer]
mutating func add(_ producer: any Producer) { self.producers.append(producer) }
However, we run into trouble when trying to compose producers and consumers with one another. As any given Producer
yields data of an unspecified and unrelated Event
type when poll
âed, Swift will (rightly) tell us that none of our consumers can safely accept any events. One solution would be to make EventSystem
generic over the type of events and require Producer
and Consumer
instances to only return those events. As it stands, this also means restricting the producers and consumers to be concrete, with the added downside of requiring us to homogenize their types - ad-hoc type erasure strikes again:
struct EventSystem<Event> {
var producers: [AnyProducer<Event>]
var consumers: [AnyConsumer<Event>]
mutating func add<P: Producer>(_ producer: P)
where P.Event == Event
self.producers.append(AnyProducer<Event>(erasing: producer))
In this example, we have sacrificed quite a lot for type safety - and also have to maintain two extra type erasing wrappers for producers and consumers. Really, what is missing is the ability to express the fact that the producer and consumer types donât matter (existential types) but the data they operate on does (generic constraints). This is where constrained existential types shine. When combined with the power of primary associated types from SE-0346, it allows us to write the code we wanted to in the first place:
struct EventSystem<Event> {
var producers: [any Producer<Event>]
var consumers: [any Consumer<Event>]
mutating func add(_ producer: any Producer<Event>) {
Proposed solution
Existential types will be augmented with the ability to specify constraints on their primary associated types. When an existential type appears with such constraints, they will be converted into same-type requirements.
protocol P<T, U, V> { }
var xs: [any P<B, N, J>] // "Equivalent" to [any P] where P.T == B, P.U == N, P.V == J
Detailed design
The syntax of existential types will be updated to accept constraint clauses. Type inference procedures will be updated to apply inference rules to generic parameters appearing as part of parameterized existential types.
The Swift type system and runtime will accept casts from parameterized existential types to non-parameterized existential types and vice versa, as well as casts that refine any constrained primary associated types. Upcasts and downcasts to, from, and between existential types will be updated to take these additional constraints into account:
var x: any Sequence<T>
_ = x as any Sequence // trivially true
_ = x as! any Sequence<String> // requires examining Sequence.Element at runtime
_ = x as! any Sequence<Int> & Collection<String> // an impossible type, but we have to prove that at runtime
Effect on ABI stability
As constrained existential types are an entirely additive concept, there is no impact upon ABI stability.
Alternatives considered
Aside from the obvious of not accepting this proposal, we could imagine many different kinds of spellings to introduce same-type requirements on associated types. For example, a where-clause based approach as in:
any (Collection where Self.Element == Int)
Syntax like this is hard to read and use in context and the problem becomes worse as it is made to compose with other existential types and constraints. Further it would conflict with the overall direction that generic constraints in Swift are taking as of SE-0346. Generalized constraint syntaxes are out of scope for this proposal and are mentioned later as future directions.
Future directions
Generalized Constraints
This proposal intentionally does not take a position on the generalized constraint syntax considered during the review of SE-0341. To take one spelling:
any Collection<.Index == String.Index>
Though when and if such a syntax is available we expect it to apply to constrained existential types. Possible designs for generalized constraints on existential types are discussed in Generalized opaque and existential type constraints.
Opaque Constraints
One particularly interesting construction is the composition of opaque types and constrained existential types. This combo allows for a particularly powerful form of type abstraction:
any Collection<some View>
This type describes any value that implements the Collection
protocol but whose element type is an opaque instance of the View
protocol. Today, Swiftâs generics system lacks the ability to express same-type constraints with opaque types as an operand.
Even More Generalized Existentials
Constraints on existing primary associated types are hardly the only thing existential types can express. Swiftâs type system can be given the ability to open arbitrary (constrained) type parameters into scope via an existential. This enables not just top-level usages as in
any<T: View> Collection<T>
But also nested usages as in
any Collection<any<T: Hashable> Collection<T>>
Essentially enabling ad-hoc abstraction over generic types of any shape at any point in the program.