[Pitch] Constrain the granularity of test time limit durations

Sometimes tests might get into a state (either due the test code itself or due to the code they're testing) where they don't make forward progress and hang.
Swift Testing provides a way to handle these issues using the TimeLimit trait:

func testFunction() { ... }

Currently there exist multiple overloads for the .timeLimit trait: one that
takes a Swift.Duration which allows for arbitrary Duration values to be
passed, and one that takes a TimeLimitTrait.Duration which constrains the
minimum time limit as well as the increment to 1 minute.

Read the full proposal here.


I very much appreciate the flexibility this provides - while I expect that I won't use it very often on unit tests, I often abuse the existing/built-in testing frameworks to do functional/integration testing, where this level of control would be extremely welcome for the outlier scenario or situation.


Thank you, @Dennis!

As mentioned in the thread, the usage of coarse-grained timeout values is not frequently needed for fast-running unit tests, but can be a very useful backstop for when things go badly wrong especially during integration testing, and being able to declare the expected maximum duration on a per-test/suite basis via traits provides useful flexibility.

Feedback in this thread has been light but positive, and the proposal is accepted.


Oops, I missed this thread.

There is a regression between this and functionality offered by XCTest, namely, that each awaited expectation can have different timeouts.

I don't know if anyone uses different timeout values in a test. While I do not and I would not miss it, I figured it was worth calling it out just in case some people do expect that functionality. Also, having the timeout closer to the particular lines of long running code might make it easier for unacquainted developers to identify the long running code.

Thanks for the feedback! This is something we've discussed previously (although I think only in the context of the confirmation() function?)

It is intentional that we don't provide timeouts on individual expectations or statements inside a test function. Our experience maintaining XCTest has shown us that these sorts of timeouts are pretty universally brittle. For example:

  • If you run a test in CI, it tends to run significantly slower than at your desk; or
  • If you run a test on your coworker's computer while they're also mining cryptocurrency and hosting six VMs in the background, it tends to run even worse.

As well, when tests run in parallel, they tend to individually run more slowly (although the overall execution time is typically lower than if they ran serially.) This can befoul any fine-grained timeouts in your tests.

Rather than using timeouts within tests, setting a timeout that applies to the test function as a whole lets you "smooth out" the performance bumps that may occur during a test. And performance tests (a future direction for Swift Testing) are generally a better abstraction than timeouts for ensuring performance-sensitive code stays fast because they can measure regressions in percentages rather than in clock time.


Thanks for taking the time to craft a generous reply! I cannot fault the intention and my experience about brittleness matches yours.

While I understand that small time limits can lead to flaky tests in different environments, having a granularity of 1 minute is very limiting and can be tedious specially when these kind of tests start failing due to a recent change.

A very common example would be a test asserting that a view model's @Published property is updated as expected after a specific function is called. The easiest way to do this is to await on the emitted values of the publisher for the expected one but since those are non-finishing publishers the test will hang when a bug is introduced unless we specify a timeLimit.

Having a minimum of 1 minute in those cases is a bit excessive specially if you like some TDD.

I'm wondering whether it would be better if an arbitrary limit can be passed and leave the responsibility to fix flaky tests to the users. This would allow users to create their own constants and those could have different values for each environment (local/CI) based on their capabilities.

I also have the same thought that something is missing for confirmation() functions not having a timeout parameter similar to XCTest expectations. In these scenarios XCTest can still give a faster failure.

Unlike XCTestExpectation and wait(for:)/fulfillment(of:), confirmation() does not block or suspend while waiting for its condition to be met. If the condition is not met before confirmation() returns, the test fails. The general expectation is that code being tested will use Swift concurrency mechanisms like task groups or continuations to control its own execution in a concurrency-safe way.

I hope that clarifies things a bit! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply!

Let me try to explain a simple scenario and the problem I see with the current 1 minute (as minimum) timeout. Consider the following code:

class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var value: Int = 0

    func doSomething() {
        value = 2

struct TimeoutTests {
    func test1() async {
        let viewModel = ViewModel()
        async let expectedValue = await viewModel.$value.values.first(where: { $0 == 2})
        #expect(await expectedValue == 2)

    func test2() async {
        let viewModel = ViewModel()
        await confirmation() { confirmation in
            for await value in viewModel.$value.values {
                if value == 2 {

These tests work fine until a bug is introduced by mistake. Imagine someone changes the 'doSomething' to return another value. When running the existing test suite it will take 1 additional minute for each similar test until the developer sees the test results. Being able to specify lower timeouts is highly needed I think. Otherwise I'd appreciate to see if there's another way to achieve this.

I agree that the lower timeouts are needed.
I would like to limit all my tests to not run slower than a reasonable low limit - let's say 100ms (or with exceptions 1s). This would allow me to keep the performance standards of my tests at a certain level, forcing me to spend a few more minutes to optimize the test - leading to generally good performance of the whole test suite at a later stage of development.
I want my tests to fail when they are too slow.

While it might become a problem on some CI pipelines, I would argue that it's not a good reason to deny this functionality to all.
Having more flexibility might open new use cases, not just unblocking stuck tests (which on its own is not a solution, more like a band-aid). Software engineers should be able decide on a good limit for their specific needs.