[Pitch] Clock, Instant, Date, and Duration

Depending your need of precision, I'm not sure WallTime Clock is appropriate in the first place. Even with a good NTP, you hardly get a millisecond precision. If you want a very high accuracy, you need to use a dedicated distributed clock, like discussed here. Moreover, you can't trust WallTime clock as it may be adjusted by the user, but if your two devices are on the same wired-network and use the same local NTP servers, it may do the trick (and users don't have access to system time settings).

That said, WallTime Clock as proposed is implementation dependent. So there is no guarantee about how it handles leap seconds, and if I recall correctly, it does not have any means to report a leap seconds to the user, which make it inappropriate for subsecond accurracy.

This bring the question : Is the Wall Time Clock the right tool to synchronize distributed events with a very high accuracy ? If the answer is yes, so we should definitively enhance the API to report a leap second, and not return the same timestamp for both 23:59:59 and 23:59:60.

Finally, I will too refine my question. Still using only Clock API and not Calendar API, is there a real use case where defining .hours as exactly 3600 seconds would cause an issue ?