[Pitch] Clock, Instant, Date, and Duration

Just curious; what have you been using, and does it not have the same problem?

It seems like your interpretation is in direct conflict with this one.

Nothing. It's even possible my requirements are out of scope (read: not implementable). I'm trying to help the author of the proposal understand how much confused people are. IMHO, this is because the proposal is redacted in a way that any practical conclusion requires difficult derivation from poorly written axioms.

I certainly do not want to blame the OP for the limits of the initial writing of the pitch. I just want to stress out how much more care should be put in the redaction of an actual proposal that people can relate to, and evaluate.

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You do have a product, I presume? So you have to be using something. Knowing that would help us get a better idea of what is acceptable when we know the ideal SI-second clock is impossible w/o hardware supports, of which Swift doesn't assume any.

I'm not hiding information, I promise :slightly_smiling_face: My example use case was just the product of my imagination. But it is not rhetorical: if it happens it describes something realistic that falls in the scope of the pitch, then I fulfilled my goal.

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Whatever the clock names, this proposal includes both a Clock that pause during sleep, and one that don't.

Both are based on hardware clock that tick at a fixed predefined interval. They are not related in anyway to "WallTime Clock" and so are not affected in anyway by user change of the system time or leap seconds.

@Tino, I wrote:

Re-reading the proposal:

This description is enhanced later:

If UptimeClock "does not increment while the machine is asleep" then I conclude that MonotonicClock does (maybe "without the encumbrance of suspension while the machine is asleep" could be made more clear).

I have also read the "a monotonic clock" expression as a way to refer to both MonotonicClock and UptimeClock (that's how I understand this expression now), so please pardon my slow crawling to the conclusion; @Tony you were quite right.

So my Olympics chronometer needs to use UptimeClock:

let start = UptimeClock.Instant.now
// later
let end = UptimeClock.Instant.now
let duration = UptimeClock.duration(from: start, to: end)
let nanoseconds = duration.nanoseconds // OK, that I can display

Since @Jean-Daniel is still looking for "use case that involved leap second, but does not involves using a Calendar API", I may further refine my scenario, and just make it involve two devices this time:

  • One device records the time at the exact moment it triggers the signal that unleashes the athletes (RUN!)
  • Another device is located near the finish line and records the time at the exact moment a camera notices that the line is crossed.

We have left the scope of UptimeClock and MonotonicClock, so we must now use the "transmittable" time of WallClock. Again, I want my final duration measurement to be independent of leap seconds. Is it possible in the current state of the pitch? Or is it still in flux?


Depending your need of precision, I'm not sure WallTime Clock is appropriate in the first place. Even with a good NTP, you hardly get a millisecond precision. If you want a very high accuracy, you need to use a dedicated distributed clock, like discussed here. Moreover, you can't trust WallTime clock as it may be adjusted by the user, but if your two devices are on the same wired-network and use the same local NTP servers, it may do the trick (and users don't have access to system time settings).

That said, WallTime Clock as proposed is implementation dependent. So there is no guarantee about how it handles leap seconds, and if I recall correctly, it does not have any means to report a leap seconds to the user, which make it inappropriate for subsecond accurracy.

This bring the question : Is the Wall Time Clock the right tool to synchronize distributed events with a very high accuracy ? If the answer is yes, so we should definitively enhance the API to report a leap second, and not return the same timestamp for both 23:59:59 and 23:59:60.

Finally, I will too refine my question. Still using only Clock API and not Calendar API, is there a real use case where defining .hours as exactly 3600 seconds would cause an issue ?


Thank you @Jean-Daniel, this is very clear.

I really wish this kind of fact would be clearly stated in the proposal, even if it sounds boring to knowledgeable people, even if it does not bring any new information on top of what Foundation.Date already does, even if some would say "this is trivially derivable". No, this is not trivially derivable. A good proposal, in such a complex topic, should debunk as many expectable misconceptions as possible, so that the mental model of the reader is as clear as possible. This would also avoid "if I recall correctly" expressions that always cast the shadow of a doubt for no good reason.


To refine my answer as succinctly as possible:

The objection to defining .hours in any way in a non-calendrical API for general use is that an "hour" refers to a calendrical unit in many use cases. Users who are unaware of the difference will naturally gravitate towards using the simplest API that is the most widely available; when the standard library allows one to write Clock.now + .hours(3), they will be guided to use this non-calendrical API even when they actually need calendar-aware operations.

Consider by analogy Swift's String APIs: The standard library doesn't offer locale-aware operations, which are provided by Foundation instead, but the standard library's APIs are all Unicode-aware. We don't offer an O(1) count that can be used to count characters for ASCII strings without CRLF but really only counts UTF8 code units and a separate O(n) unicode.count for Unicode grapheme clusters. You could similarly ask, using only UTF8 code unit APIs and not Unicode grapheme cluster APIs (e.g., when you have a known ASCII string with normalized line endings), is there a real use case where defining a "character" as exactly one UTF8 code unit would cause an issue?

But that is missing the point, which is that for general use, defining a "character" as a UTF8 code unit would cause users who really need Unicode-aware APIs to reach for the wrong set of APIs by default. This is not an objection to offering UTF8 code unit APIs in addition to Unicode-aware APIs (as we do), nor denying that for ASCII strings a fundamentally useful property is that each code unit is its own character (eliding the CRLF issue), just that it is not appropriate to generalize that relationship by defining a "character" as part of the UTF8 code unit APIs.

Similarly, it is well and good to define an "hour" as exactly 3600 seconds for use with SI units. There is no objection to offering clock-based APIs as distinct from calendrical APIs (as we here propose to do), nor denying that it is useful for use with SI units and even for other use cases* that 3600 seconds is equal to an hour. The objection is that it is not appropriate to generalize that relationship by defining an "hour" as part of the clock-based APIs.

[*] Perhaps even a great many use cases, just as with ASCII strings.


I unfortunately have not kept up with this topic, and there hasn't been a clear attempt to summarize discussion so far. So unfortunately, I may repeat ideas already voiced before.

I would argue that a Clock is a measurer of time, and that there are broadly different mechanisms by which it does so. We should represent that as a property or set of properties on a Clock itself, eg.:

enum ClockIncrementation {
    case disjoint
    case pausing
    case continuous

Monotonically increasing (pausing or contiguous) time is useful for knowing the delta between two Instants is a minimum Duration, but I do not know if this is useful from a generic sense. Or to put it differently, is there a programmatic reason to define monotonic clocks, or does it exist to have a common name for differing operating system behaviors?

Second, I have a question is whether all the leap second behaviors have consistent behavior on the calendar system - so if a leap second causes an adjustment one hour into the future to always be 3600 seconds, or if it is sometimes 3599 and sometimes 3601.

If the leap second behavior of a clock changes how it is interpreted into a calendaring system, we need to be really careful to capture this for serialization, as a lot of systems serialize to a seconds-since-epoch format in transit.

To simplify a bit, I think the distinction here is between "hour" as a duration and "hour" as a human time interval. That is, the difference between wanting to do something in 3600 seconds regardless of the actual human time that may be, or in one hour from the current human time (2345 -> 0045), which may involve more or less than 3600 seconds. It may benefit these APIs to force a separation between the two cases so it's clear when one is used versus the other. Clock.now + .hours(3) is ambiguous. Something like Clock.now.after(duration: .hours(3)) and Clock.now.inAdjustedClockInterval(.hours(3)). (There are probably existing terms for this distinction.)

Alternatively, it may be a good idea to remove all notion of human time from the proposal, especially since it seems less and less useful the more it's considered.


I'm curious, what kind of adjusting would this accomplish? Is the type of hours(3) somehow conveying that you meant "3 hours" and not "10,800 seconds"? If so it could be the same function name or + operator overloaded with a different duration type.

In my mind, they're two different actions (absolute duration, adjusting interval), not two different durations. They'd probably have different return types, and the only the human clock would allow human adjustments. The method name tries to convey the fact that it's creating a new time that three hours later on the adjusted clock, not a duration of three hours later.

Once again, do you have a real use case for such adjusted interval that is not a use case that should use Calendar API instead ?

Is there a real world use case where you want that something occurs 10801 seconds from now if there is a leap second, but only 10800 if not ?

I got Xiaodi Wu point about not defining hours because it may create confusion (even if I still disagree), but I don't get how a Clock.now.inAdjustedClockInterval would be useful ?

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I'm simply making the distinction between "do this in 3600 seconds" and "do this one hour from now, as humans see it". For many (most?) I think the first case is most useful, and is likely the only area that should be covered, but the second is useful whenever you need to do something visible to humans. But the more I think about it the more clear it becomes that it's not a useful calculation for a clock but should instead be a higher level API that allows scheduling events at specific times rather than using durations.


If there is one, I guess it's quite obscure and probably not that important.
None the less, I acknowledge that there is some potential for confusion when doing calculations with Date:
When you add an hour to given point in time, it's sensible to expect that the result has an hour component that is increased by one, and all lesser fields are unchanged.

However, as many people are not even aware of leap seconds, I think (in the context of scheduling) it would be ok to assume that an hour has alway 3600 seconds of actual time.

Still, I'd really appreciate if we did not touch Date at all in this proposal; I don't see any downsides when following the old principle of small steps in this case.

People keep mentioning leap seconds but those are really the least of the issues with a WallClock for uses like this. More significant issues would be NTP updates and user clock adjustment, which can change the wall clock years at a time. Anyone attempting to calculate deadlines or producing user visible times will certain have issues using offset APIs like those suggested.


Just as an update for folks who have been discussing here; we have a revised version of this pitch now at [Pitch (back from revision)] Clock, Instant, and Duration. A good number of concerns that were raised here with the regards to Date, WallClocks, naming and leap seconds have reflected changes that we think are a good move forward.