[Pitch] Build Progress Display Control for SwiftPM Plugins

Hi everyone, this is a new pitch to provide a way to display better build progress with SwiftPM Command Plugins.

See swiftlang/swift-package-manager#8383 for the implementation and visual before/after.


This proposal introduces a new parameter progressToConsole to the BuildParameters in SwiftPM's plugin API to allow package plugins to control whether build progress messages should be displayed in the console in the animated way if possible or captured in the log buffer. This provides better control over the build output display and improves the user experience especially when building large-scale projects.


When a package plugin requests SwiftPM to build a target, SwiftPM captures all build output, including compiler diagnostics and progress messages, into the logText buffer. To provide visibility into the build process, the BuildParameters structure includes an echoLogs parameter, which, when enabled, duplicates all build output to both the console and logText. However, this approach introduces an issue with how progress messages are displayed.

Unlike a direct swift build invocation, which redraws a single line to create a smooth, animation-like effect using ANSI escape sequences, SwiftPM plugins must store logs in logText in a format that does not rely on such sequences. Consequently, progress messages are printed in a "Multilines mode", where each progress update appears as a new line instead of replacing the previous one. This results in an excessively verbose console output, especially for large projects, making it harder for developers to monitor the build process efficiently.

For example, when running swift build normally, progress messages appear as:

[5/50] Compiling MyLibrary ModuleA.swift

with the same line being updated as the build progresses. However, when echoLogs is enabled in a plugin, the console output may instead look like:

[1/50] Compiling MyLibrary ModuleA.swift
[2/50] Compiling MyLibrary ModuleB.swift
[3/50] Compiling MyLibrary ModuleC.swift

which quickly floods the terminal with redundant information.

This proposal seeks to address this issue by providing finer control over how build progress is displayed in plugin builds, allowing for a more concise and readable output without compromising the ability to capture logs in logText.

Proposed solution

We propose adding a new progressToConsole parameter to the BuildParameters struct in the plugin API. When set to true, build progress messages will be written directly to the console instead of being captured in the BuildResult.logText. This gives plugins the flexibility to choose how they want to handle build progress display.

Detailed Design

We add a new progressToConsole parameter to the BuildParameters structure in the SwiftPM plugin API:

public struct PackageManager {
    public struct BuildParameters {
        // ... existing parameters ...

        /// Controls whether build progress messages are printed to the console.
        /// - If `true`, progress messages will be shown in real-time in the console.
        ///   They will be redrawn on a single line when running in a TTY environment.
        /// - If `false` (default), progress messages are captured in `BuildResult.logText`
        ///   and printed only when `echoLogs` is enabled.
        public var progressToConsole: Bool

        public init(
            configuration: BuildConfiguration = .debug,
            logging: BuildLogVerbosity = .concise,
            echoLogs: Bool = false,
            progressToConsole: Bool = false

When progressToConsole is set to true, build progress messages are printed directly to the console. If the standard error is attached to a terminal, progress updates are redrawn in place using ANSI escape sequences, creating a cleaner output experience. If not attached to a terminal, progress messages are displayed in separate lines.

When progressToConsole is set to false (the default behavior), build progress messages are captured in BuildResult.logText instead of being printed to the console. If echoLogs is also enabled, these messages will still be printed to the console but with each update on a new line.

A plugin can choose to enable this parameter when it wants to provide a better user experience for visualizing build progress:

let result = try packageManager.build(
    parameters: .init(
        progressToConsole: true


This change has no impact on security, safety, or privacy. It only affects how build progress information is displayed.

Impact on existing packages

This is a backward-compatible change that maintains the current behavior by default. Since progressToConsole defaults to false, existing plugins will continue to work as before.

The new functionality only affects packages that explicitly opt-in by setting the parameter to true. The change has no impact on the actual build process or results, only on how progress information is displayed to users.

Alternatives considered

Always output progress messages to console

We could modify SwiftPM to always output progress messages to the console in an animated way, removing them from logText entirely. While this would provide a better user experience by default, it would break backward compatibility for plugins that rely on parsing progress messages from logText. Although such use cases are rare, the benefit does not outweigh the cost of breaking compatibility.


There's also a PackagePlugin.Diagnostics.progress(_:) function — swiftlang/swift-package-manager#7256 — which I think is missing an @available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 6.0) annotation. The function doesn't seem to do anything in Xcode, but it does appear to use a "multilines mode" on the swift package plugin command line.