[Pitch] Add Collection conformance for EnumeratedSequence

Hello Evolution, this is a very targeted revision of SE-0312 Add indexed() and Collection conformances for enumerated() and zip(::) for just the collection conformances for EnumeratedSequence .

Add Collection conformances for enumerated()


This proposal aims to fix the lack of Collection conformance of the sequence returned by enumerated(), preventing it from being used in a context that requires a Collection.

Swift-evolution thread: Pitch


Currently, EnumeratedSequence type conforms to Sequence, but not to any of the collection protocols. Adding these conformances was impossible before SE-0234 Remove Sequence.SubSequence, and would have been an ABI breaking change before the language allowed @available annotations on protocol conformances (PR). Now we can add them!

Conformance to the collection protocols can be beneficial in a variety of ways, for example:

  • (1000..<2000).enumerated().dropFirst(500) becomes a constant time operation.
  • "abc".enumerated().reversed() will return a ReversedCollection rather than allocating a new array.
  • SwiftUI’s List and ForEach views will be able to directly take an enumerated collection as their data.

Detailed design

Conditionally conform EnumeratedSequence to Collection, BidirectionalCollection, RandomAccessCollection.

@available(SwiftStdlib 6.1, *)
extension EnumeratedSequence: Collection where Base: Collection {
  // ...

@available(SwiftStdlib 6.1, *)
extension EnumeratedSequence: BidirectionalCollection
  where Base: BidirectionalCollection
  // ...

@available(SwiftStdlib 6.1, *)
extension EnumeratedSequence: RandomAccessCollection
  where Base: RandomAccessCollection {}

Source compatibility

All protocol conformances of an existing type to an existing protocol are potentially source breaking because users could have added the exact same conformances themselves. However, given that EnumeratedSequence do not expose their underlying sequences, there is no reasonable way anyone could have conformed to Collection themselves.

Effect on ABI stability

This proposal does not affect ABI stability.

Alternatives considered

Add LazyCollectionProtocol conformance for EnumeratedSequence.

Adding LazySequenceProtocol conformance for EnumeratedSequence is a breaking change for code that relies on the enumerated() method currently not propagating LazySequenceProtocol conformance in a lazy chain:

extension Sequence {
  func everyOther_v1() -> [Element] {
    let x = self.lazy
      .filter { $0.offset.isMultiple(of: 2) }
    // error: Cannot convert return expression of type 'LazyMapSequence<...>' to return type '[Self.Element]'
    return x
  func everyOther_v2() -> [Element] {
    // will keep working, the eager overload of `map` is picked
    return self.lazy
      .filter { $0.offset.isMultiple(of: 2) }

We chose to keep this proposal very small to prevent any such potential headaches of source breaks.

Keep EnumeratedSequence the way it is and add an enumerated() overload to Collection that returns a Zip2Sequence<Range<Int>, Self>.

This is tempting because enumerated() is little more than zip(0..., self), but this would cause an unacceptable amount of source breakage due to the lack of offset and element tuple labels that EnumeratedSequence provides.

Only conform EnumeratedSequence to BidirectionalCollection when the base collection conforms to RandomAccessCollection rather than BidirectionalCollection.

Here’s what the Collection conformance could look like:

extension EnumeratedSequence: Collection where Base: Collection {
    struct Index {
        let base: Base.Index
        let offset: Int
    var startIndex: Index {
        Index(base: _base.startIndex, offset: 0)
    var endIndex: Index {
        Index(base: _base.endIndex, offset: 0)
    func index(after index: Index) -> Index {
        Index(base: _base.index(after: index.base), offset: index.offset + 1)
    subscript(index: Index) -> (offset: Int, element: Base.Element) {
        (index.offset, _base[index.base])

extension EnumeratedSequence.Index: Comparable {
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.base == rhs.base
    static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.base < rhs.base

Here’s what the Bidirectional conformance could look like. The question is: should Base be required to conform to BidirectionalCollection or RandomAccessCollection?

extension EnumeratedSequence: BidirectionalCollection where Base: ??? {
    func index(before index: Index) -> Index {
        let currentOffset = index.base == _base.endIndex ? _base.count : index.offset
        return Index(base: _base.index(before: index.base), offset: currentOffset - 1)

Notice that calling index(before:) with the end index requires computing the count of the base collection. This is an O(1) operation if the base collection is RandomAccessCollection, but O(n) if it's BidirectionalCollection.

Option 1: where Base: BidirectionalCollection

A direct consequence of index(before:) being O(n) when passed the end index is that some operations like last are also O(n):

extension BidirectionalCollection {
    var last: Element? {
        isEmpty ? nil : self[index(before: endIndex)]

// A bidirectional collection that is not random-access.
let evenNumbers = (0 ... 1_000_000).lazy.filter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }
let enumerated = evenNumbers.enumerated()

// This is still O(1), ...
let endIndex = enumerated.endIndex

// ...but this is O(n).
let lastElement = enumerated.last!
print(lastElement) // (offset: 500000, element: 1000000)

However, since this performance pitfall only applies to the end index, iterating over a reversed enumerated collection stays O(n):

// A bidirectional collection that is not random-access.
let evenNumbers = (0 ... 1_000_000).lazy.filter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }

// Reaching the last element is O(n), and reaching every other element is another combined O(n).
for (offset, element) in evenNumbers.enumerated().reversed() {
    // ...

In other words, this could make some operations unexpectedly O(n), but it’s not likely to make operations unexpectedly O(n²).

Option 2: where Base: RandomAccessCollection

If EnumeratedSequence’s conditional conformance to BidirectionalCollection is restricted to when Base: RandomAccessCollection, then operations like last and last(where:) will only be available when they’re guaranteed to be O(1):

// A bidirectional collection that is not random-access.
let str = "Hello"

let lastElement = str.enumerated().last! // error: value of type 'EnumeratedSequence<String>' has no member 'last'

That said, some algorithms that can benefit from bidirectionality such as reversed() and suffix(_:) are also available on regular collections, but with a less efficient implementation. That means that the code would still compile if the enumerated sequence is not bidirectional, it would just perform worse — the most general version of reversed() on Sequence allocates an array and adds every element to that array before reversing it:

// A bidirectional collection that is not random-access.
let str = "Hello"

// This no longer conforms to `BidirectionalCollection`.
let enumerated = str.enumerated()

// As a result, this now returns a `[(offset: Int, element: Character)]` instead
// of a more efficient `ReversedCollection<EnumeratedSequence<String>>`.
let reversedElements = enumerated.reversed()

The base collection needs to be traversed twice either way, but the defensive approach of giving the BidirectionalCollection conformance a stricter bound ultimately results in an extra allocation.

Taking all of this into account, we've gone with option 1 for the sake of giving collections access to more algorithms and more efficient overloads of some algorithms. Conforming this collection to BidirectionalCollection when the base collection conforms to the same protocol is less surprising. We don’t think the possible performance pitfalls pose a large enough risk in practice to negate these benefits.