Parsing Arrays in JSON

** update**

  let dict = pokemonDictionary![ability] as! NSArray
        let ability1 = dict[0]

prints the first element in array:

    ability =     {
        name = chlorophyll;
        url = "";
    "is_hidden" = 1;
    slot = 3;

Now I am working on extracting the first name of the ability

I am having an issue trying to get to arrays that are nested inside a json array here is an example of what I mean. how do I get down to one ability and store that information in an array or dictionary?

pokemonDictionary!["abilities"] this returns the following Json code


    ability =     {
        name = chlorophyll;
        url = "";
    "is_hidden" = 1;
    slot = 3;
    ability =     {
        name = overgrow;
        url = "";
    "is_hidden" = 0;
    slot = 1;

now how do I store the first ability in a dictionary or whatever type is appropriate?
I want to store that ability in a variable and then pull the ability out and store that into another variable

any help is much appreciated..I tried looking this up but I couldn't find anything

I have tried the following:


this gives an error "Type 'Any' has no subscript members"

If you are storing JSON in [String : Any], you obviously can't do dict["ability"]["something else"] if an ability is another dictionary, since Any – the type under which you store the values of your dictionary – doesn't have subscripts.

You will have to force-cast first: (dict["ability"] as! [String: Any])["something else"].

Alternatively, you can use frameworks that are designed to work with JSON if you want your code to be more tidy, safe and readable. SwiftyJSON, for instance.

let ability1 = dict[0] as! [String: AnyObject]

ability1["name"] // Is this what you want?


This is the answer! Thank you so much for helping me!!!

I get nil :(

 func getAbilites()
            let ability = "abilities"
            let dict = pokemonDictionary![ability] as! NSArray
            let ability1 = dict[0] as! [String: AnyObject]


Console output
["is_hidden": 1, "slot": 3, "ability": {
name = chlorophyll;
url = "";

OK, I see. First of all, why does your ability dictionary contain an ability? It is an ability itself, right? So it should be

“is_hidden”: 1,
“slot”: 3,
"name": chlorophyll,
"url" : “”,

// instead of

[“is_hidden”: 1, “slot”: 3, “ability”: {
name = chlorophyll;
url = “”;

Now, because you have an ability inside the ability (...), you will have to go deeper:

func getAbilities(from dict: [String: Any]) {

     let abilities = dict["abilities"] as! NSArray

    let firstAbility = abilities[0] as [String: Any]
    let actualFirstAbility = firstAbility["ability"] as [String: Any]

    let name = actualFirstAbility["name"]  

Well, looks like everything's fine. Is the issue resolved ?

YUP thank you so much!

By the way, a question to the forum: when was this syntactic sugar introduced? A bit weird tbh.

class Foo {}

let foo: AnyObject = Foo()

let t = foo["something"]