OpenAPIKit v3.0 released / Development on v4.0 begins

I'd like to announce that version 3 of OpenAPIKit has now been released. It was a long road of sometimes inconsistent development velocity, but thanks to the efforts of numerous people in code contributions, feature requests, issue reporting, and insightful questions, the release is out.

This release made substantial changes both to make OpenAPIKit more flexible (like supporting certain types of OpenAPI Document mistakes as warnings instead of decoding failures) and also to support the new OpenAPI 3.1.0 specification. There were massive changes (from an implementation perspective) to add support for the new OAS version. Support is still not 100% (i.e. not every possible OAS 3.1 document is 100% representable in OpenAPIKit), but we are close enough and include enough of the most common use-cases to leave the remaining work for future minor versions.

At the same time, I am announcing development on the v4.0 release of OpenAPIKit. This next release will be focused on bringing the Swift code used in OpenAPIKit up to modern standards and best practices. OpenAPIKit has been around for quite some time and it retained support back to Swift 5.1 all the way through the current v3.0 release. With v4.0 I am bumping the minimum version of Swift to 5.8 which opens the door to many modernizations.

This is a call to action for anyone interested in helping bring the code up to date. Please make your first stop the contribution guidelines if you are interested in chipping in. It may not all be glamorous work, but I'd be remiss of I didn't at least make the announcement!