Observable macro causes custom layout to update unnecesarily

In the following example code, I am trying to update the value of an Observable object. But some how this triggers an infinite loop of updating globalValue.value:

import SwiftUI

@Observable class GlobalValue
    var value: Double = 0

let globalValue = GlobalValue()

struct TestLayout: Layout
    func sizeThatFits(proposal _: ProposedViewSize, subviews _: Subviews, cache _: inout ()) -> CGSize { .zero }

    func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal _: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache _: inout ())
        globalValue.value += 1

struct ContentView: View
    var body: some View
        TestLayout { Text("A") }


What is causing the infinite loop when using @Observable?

Edit: Deleted ObservableObject example. That one was a mistake.

I think maybe it's because the increment += has an implicit read so maybe that is considered as a dependency of globalValue. Because of this dependency, a notification loop is formed. But I am not sure how things work with @Observable.