Objc XCTest target unable to see ProductModuleName-Swift.h

I'm trying to follow this guide to import my Swift code into an external Objc target. I chose an XCTest target because hey, tests, two birds one stone.

My Swift code is in a static library target. It consists of one class:

@objcMembers public class Foo {
    var bar = "foo"

In my objc test target I'm trying to import the Swift library like so:

// file not found
#import <MyLibrary/MyLibrary-Swift.h>
// also tried this
#import "MyLibrary-Swift.h"

This is a brand new regular Xcode project where I just created a Swift static library, added that class, then added the test target. I did nothing else besides build both targets.

What am I doing wrong? Or is what I'm trying to do not even possible? Are the only supported configurations "in the same app target" and "in the same framework target"? Because I'm trying to import that header across module boundaries by doing this, I think