Hello Swift Community,
Version 4.0.0 of GRDB, the toolkit for SQLite databases, is out!
This release is focused on Swift 5, and enhancements on associations between record types.
What's new?
Associations, which let you define links between record types, are now able to eager load "to-many" relationships.
Given this database schema:
You can now fetch all authors along with their books with a single request:
// Setup struct Author: TableRecord, Decodable { static let books = hasMany(Book.self) var id: Int64 var name: String } struct Book: TableRecord, Decodable { var id: Int64 var authorId: String var title: String } // Fetch all authors with their respective books struct AuthorInfo: FetchableRecord, Decodable { var author: Author var books: [Book] } let request = Author.including(all: Author.books) let authorInfos: [AuthorInfo] = try dbQueue.read { db in try AuthorInfo.fetchAll(db, request) }
Associations have also improved their support for many-to-many relationships:
You can now express that a country has many citizens through its passports:
// Setup struct Country: TableRecord, EncodableRecord { static let passports = hasMany(Passport.self) static let citizens = hasMany( Citizen.self, through: passports, using: Passport.citizen) var code: String var name: String var citizens: QueryInterfaceRequest<Citizen> { return request(for: Country.citizens) } } struct Passport: TableRecord { static let citizen = belongsTo(Citizen.self) } struct Citizen: TableRecord, FetchableRecord, Decodable { var id: Int64 var name: String } // Fetch citizens from a country let country: Country = ... let citizens: [Citizen] = try dbQueue.read { db in try country.citizens.fetchAll(db) }
Note that this sample code and the previous one have not been redacted: they are fully functional. GRDB infers all the necessary information right from the database schema. You don't have to declare anything in the Swift code, but the associations themselves. It is also worth mentioning that any kind of primary key is supported, including composite ones.
GRDB associations are quite like Ruby's Active Record Associations, but with a thick layer of type safety.
SQL Interpolation, based on SE-0228, lets you write SQL queries with a natural syntax. For example:
// Executes `UPDATE player SET name = 'O''Brien' WHERE id = 42` let name = "O'Brien" let id = 42 try db.execute(literal: """ UPDATE player SET name = \(name) WHERE id = \(id) """)
Check the Release Notes for a full list of improvements and other changes.
Happy GRDB!