Need Help Making An Implementation of SwiftUI ButtonStyle To Customize Button Look

I believe .buttonStyle(ButtonStyle) modifier is how to control the look&feel of Button. So I want to implement my ButtonStyle to get a customized button look.

This is what's in the source:

public protocol ButtonStyle {

    /// A `View` representing the body of a `Button`.
    associatedtype Body : View

    /// Creates a `View` representing the body of a `Button`.
    /// - Parameter configuration: The properties of the button instance being
    ///   created.
    /// This method will be called for each instance of `Button` created within
    /// a view hierarchy where this style is the current `ButtonStyle`.
    func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> Self.Body

    /// The properties of a `Button` instance being created.
    typealias Configuration = ButtonStyleConfiguration

    @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "makeBody(configuration:)")
    func body(configuration: Button<Self.Label>, isPressed: Bool) -> Self.Body

    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use makeBody(configuration:) instead.")
    typealias Label = ButtonStyleLabel

An provided implementation:

public struct DefaultButtonStyle : PrimitiveButtonStyle {

    public init()

    /// Creates a `View` representing the body of a `Button`.
    /// - Parameter configuration: The properties of the button instance being
    ///   created.
    /// This method will be called for each instance of `Button` created within
    /// a view hierarchy where this style is the current `ButtonStyle`.
    public func makeBody(configuration: DefaultButtonStyle.Configuration) -> some View

    /// A `View` representing the body of a `Button`.
    public typealias Body = some View

My attempt to make one:

// Error: Type 'MyButtonStyle' does not conform to protocol 'PrimitiveButtonStyle'
struct MyButtonStyle : PrimitiveButtonStyle {

    public init() { }

    public func makeBody(configuration: DefaultButtonStyle.Configuration) -> some View {
        Rectangle()   // temporary just for now...

    // Error: 'some' types are only implemented for the declared type of properties and subscripts and the return type of functions
    public typealias Body = some View

What to do to just past the compile error?