Missing compiler diagnostics with ~Copyable property wrapper in function argument

I'm trying to implement a closure that can only be called one time.
Doing that I met weird compiler behaviour, which I describe in the comments below.

struct OnceCalledClosureWrapper: ~Copyable {
  private var closure: (@Sendable () -> Void)!
  @inlinable consuming func callAsFunction() -> Void {
    closure = nil

  // compiler error: 'consuming' may only be used on 'func' declarations
  // But why? Computed var is effectively a function
  // Because of this error $-prefixed-syntax `$completion()` call is impossible. 
  // Workaround is to call private `_completion()`
  consuming var projectedValue: Self { self }
  // or
  // Error: 'self' is borrowed and cannot be consumed. 
  // Why is it borrowed despite explicit `consuming get`?
  var projectedValue: Self {
    consuming get { self }

  // No warnings in source editor or in compile logs :(
  // Is it a bug?
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "use _completion unstead") 
  var wrappedValue: @Sendable () -> Void { closure }

  // causes compiler error in func declaration: "'wrappedValue' is unavailable:" 
  @available(*, unavailable, message: "use _completion unstead")
  var wrappedValue: @Sendable () -> Void { closure }
  var wrappedValue: @Sendable () -> Void {
    // No warnings when compiling :( 💥 Runtime crash
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "use _completion unstead")
    get { fatalError() }
    set {}
  init(wrappedValue: consuming @escaping @Sendable () -> Void) {
    self.closure = wrappedValue
  deinit {
    if let closure = closure {
      print("closure was not called so do it on deinit")

func foo(@OnceCalledClosureWrapper completion: @escaping @Sendable () -> Void) {
  //  _completion = OnceCalledClosureWrapper(wrappedValue: { })
  // Error: Cannot assign to value: '_completion' is immutable – OK, it is expected
  // But if '_completion' is immutable, how is it mutated inside `callAsFunction()`?

  if Bool.random() {
  } else {
    DispatchQueue.global().async { [_completion] in
      _completion() // Error: Noncopyable '_completion' cannot be consumed when captured by an escaping closure
      // can it be fixed?

  // _completion() – an error if uncommented
  // this is what I want

foo {
  print("once called")

Finally, the wrapper is done and works as expected. But the lack of compiler diagnostics make it useless.

Further idea is to add a generic closure argument, as lots of completion handlers are something like (Result) -> Void.

Are there workarounds? Or will it be possible in Swift 6?