I am trying to extract the number of times a specific string value occurs in a group of nested arrays and would like to use something more concise than an if let loop. Using the filter method I am able to export a dictionary from each of the nested dictionaries with just the string value I am looking for, but I can’t collate the vales to count them all:
Ideally I wanted to chain methods just to extract the number of occurrences and have everything on a single line but got the error: Ambiguous reference to member 'filter'
What does your value variable look like? There're only mondayFruits - fridayFruits here. They don't even have String quote. It's interesting how you get it to compile.
I am not clear exactly what your question is, but maybe the answer is somewhere in this re‐implementation:
enum Day : CaseIterable {
case monday
case tuesday
case wednesday
case thursday
case friday
enum Fruit : CaseIterable {
case apple
case banana
case grape
case orange
let records: [Day: [Fruit: Int]] = [
.monday: [
.orange: 1,
.apple: 3
.tuesday: [
.banana: 2
.wednesday: [
.orange: 1,
.banana: 1
.thursday: [
.apple: 2,
.grape: 12
.friday: [
.banana: 1,
.apple: 1
for fruit in Fruit.allCases {
for day in Day.allCases {
let count = records[day]?[fruit] ?? 0
// When you want a record for a single day.
print("\(day): \(count)")
// When you want the total of all days at once.
let total = records.values.reduce(into: 0) { $0 += $1[fruit] ?? 0 }
// Or the same thing more legible but less concise:
_ = records.values.reduce(into: 0) { (count: inout Int, dayRecord: [Fruit: Int]) in
count += dayRecord[fruit] ?? 0
print("Total: \(total)")
(I used enumerations (1) to get easy access to a master list of allCases in order to iterate them during printing, and (2) so I could not accidentally enter a Day as a Fruit or vice‐versa. If those don’t matter and you need them to be String instances for some other reason, the same query logic will still work.)
And I did see your request to have it deleted, but I am not capable of it. (Well, I suppose I could accomplish that by flagging it as a violation of the code of conduct, but that would have other ramifications you don’t want...)
Deleting things isn’t normal on these forums, but I have occasionally seen things marked something like “This post has been withdrawn by its author. It will be removed in x hours unless flagged.” I assume that means a post’s own author has the ability to delete it. I also see a trash can icon under the “...” for posts I’ve authored, so maybe that is what you would have to click if you really want to get rid of this.
I did try deleting it but I don't have permission. I think that flagging it will cause me more issues than I care to deal with, so I'll just leave it and be more cautious next time.