[META] Using escapes in Swift Evolution Proposal discussion links

The standard Swift Evolution proposal template <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/0000-template.md&gt; includes the following introduction section:

## Introduction
A short description of what the feature is. Try to keep it to a
single-paragraph "elevator pitch" so the reader understands what
problem this proposal is addressing.

Swift-evolution thread: [Discussion thread topic for that proposal](https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution\)

Swift Evolution email subjects commonly use square brackets in the subject line. This email does just that: "[META] Swift Evolution Proposals and Discussion Links". To create a valid markdown link, you must escape the square brackets. The following markup is malformed:
Swift-evolution thread: [[META] Swift Evolution Proposals and Discussion Links](gmane or pipermail url)
Add backslashes before square brackets within the topic:
Swift-evolution thread: [\[META\] Swift Evolution Proposals and Discussion Links](gmane or pipermail url)
Escaping enables Github to distinguish the bracket-deliniated text from the parenthesized URL.

Best regards,

-- E