[meetup] Block your agenda - Swift Server Side Meetup #03, APJ-friendly time

Hello fellow developers,

The third Swift Server meetup will be hosted online on September 17 at 11am Paris/Amsterdam, 6pm Tokyo, 7pm Sydney.

The agenda is now finalized

@kateinoigakukun will show us how to run Swift on WebAssembly platforms.
WebAssembly support in Swift evolves year and year by the community, and now powers some serious production applications. His talk explores the tooling ecosystem of Swift on Wasm, and demonstrates how to write Swift apps running on Web browser and serverless by using Wasm.

A surprise guest will show us how to get ready for Swift 6 and how to adopt strict concurrency on your server projects.

Finally, we want to discuss with you. Several members of the Swift Server Working Group (SSWG) will be present to answer any question (swift on the server-related) and collect your feedback.

Bookmark this link and join us on September 17

Link : https://youtube.com/live/kc-a8_DFXgE