Line break for the `error` word as the function parameter

Hello, guys. Faced with this problem. Swift-format error shown, if I have the line break between the error word in the function parameters.

swift-format shows an error:

   func test(
        error: Error
    ) {
        print("test \(error)")

swift-format doesn't show an error

    func test(error: Error) {
        print("test \(error)")

swift-format version: 0.50500.0 Thanks.

What is the error you are referring to?

Command PhaseScriptExecution emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure

swift-format seems to be printing out every single file to the console, and Xcode interprets any line starting with error: as an error. That’s kind of funny and unfortunate.

What is the contents of your script phase for running swift format?


Xcode interprets any line starting with error: as an error.

Same thoughts.

if which swift-format >/dev/null; then
    swift-format format -r ${PROJECT_DIR} --configuration .swift-format.json
    swift-format lint -r  ${PROJECT_DIR} --configuration .swift-format.json
    echo "warning: swift-format not installed"

Make sure that you use the -i or --in-place flag on the format command to write the output back to the original file, otherwise it gets written to standard output.