Large structs and stack overflow

Our data model is getting larger and larger, and now our app is not able to run on device anymore.

After doing a lot of debugging, we think the reason is that the stack memory footprint of our MainViewState struct is getting too high.

(lldb) p MemoryLayout<MainViewState>.size
(Int) $R0 = 38704

So the first question is; Have anyone seen the same issue, and how did you solve the increasing size of the sate structs?

Ok, so I started testing; what if I move some of the data in the structs into classes? - The memory footprint of the struct decreases, but I am not sure about the consequences. I understand that the structs will just copy the value of the pointer to data objects, and not the object itself.

The second question is; Is it ok to point to objects inside the State structs, and what are the consequences?

We have tested the app with the latest TCA version, 0.14.0, and it performed better than with 0.8.0. The newer version works with larger MainViewState than 0.8.0. Would love to hear if someone has experience with this issue, or tips on how to proceed.

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Latest development from us; we found a way to decrease the size by adopting copy-on-write by using arrays.

In MainViewState, we can map i.e. DashboardState this way:

    var dashboardArr: [DashboardState]
    var dashboardState: DashboardState {
        get { return dashboardArr[0] }
        set { dashboardArr[0] = newValue }

This reduces the impact of the dashboard from it's actual size to 8 bytes. So it seems like we can apply this strategy where we have large structs which increases the state too much. I am really interested to hear other solutions and experiences.

We've encountered similar problems in a project we are working on, but honestly they seemed more like Swift bugs than Swift limitations. We used to have the following data types to represent a type-safe 3 element array:

struct Three<A> { var first, second, third: A }
typealias Puzzle<A> = Three<Three<Three<A>>>

Usage of this type when built for release would crash :grimacing:. The types we plugged in for the generic A were not very big either, consisting of only a few fields and all simple data types such as ints, bools, enums without associated types, etc.

We ended up refactoring in a way similar to what you have:

public struct Three<Element> {
  public var first: Element {
    get { self.rawValue[0] }
    set { self.rawValue[0] = newValue }
  public var second: Element {
    get { self.rawValue[1] }
    set { self.rawValue[1] = newValue }
  public var third: Element {
    get { self.rawValue[2] }
    set { self.rawValue[2] = newValue }

  private var rawValue: [Element]

That fixed the crash.

So I don't think it necessarily the size of the data type (though that could be a factor), but also has something to do with how Swift is compiling certain data types.


In this context, it's quite annoying by the way that optionals are apparently not copy-on-write. When I tried to write a binary tree:

struct BinaryTree<T> {
var left : BinaryTree?
var right : BinaryTree?

the compiled complained that structs cannot recursively contain themselves. I needed to use arrays as a workaround. This sucks.

Instead of using arrays, you could implement your own copy on write (CoW) type as the standard library also does for Array, Dictionary, Set etc.

A good introduction to this topic is in this video:

At 9:30 the presenter starts to implement a Copy on Write type. The talk’s topic is actually about performance but can also be applied to improve memory usage as well.

Short summary:
Move all stored properties of you struct to a new class called Storage.
Your struct now only stores an instance of this new class.
Add computed properties to your struct for each property which gets/sets the value on the class instance.
Before setting the value in your setter, check if the class instance has a reference count of 1 by using the isKnownUniquelyReferenced.
If it is not uniquely referenced, you need to copy your storage before setting the value.
That’s it.

Another solution would be indirect enums but that is only useful if you are using enums with associated values and not structs.


A potential long-term solution would be for the compiler to automatically box large structs with CoW, as was suggested in this tweet.


We have now added a CoW struct that we can use to wrap heavy structs and give them copy on write behaviour.

struct CoW<T> {
    init(_ value: T) {
        _storage = Storage(value)
    public subscript<V>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, V>) -> V {
        get { value[keyPath: keyPath] }
        set { value[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue }
    var value: T {
        get {
            return _storage.value
        set {
            if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) {
                _storage.value = value
            } else {
                _storage = Storage(newValue)
    private var _storage: Storage<T>
    private class Storage<T> {
        var value: T
        init(_ value: T) {
            self.value = value
extension CoW: Equatable where T: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: CoW<T>, rhs: CoW<T>) -> Bool {
        return lhs.value == rhs.value

Not sure if the @dynamicMemberLookup should be used or not, but I think it will let us skip the value-part when accessing properties on the storage.

Now we can easily wrap state objects when needed:

var articleListState:CoW<ArticleListState> = CoW(ArticleListState.initialState())

Property Wrapper is also useful.

struct CopyOnWriteBox<Value> {

    private var ref: Ref<Value>

    init(wrappedValue: Value) {
        self.ref = Ref(wrappedValue)

    var wrappedValue: Value {
        get {
        set {
            if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&ref) {
                ref.value = newValue
            } else {
                ref = Ref(newValue)

    private final class Ref<T> {
        var value: T

        init(_ value: T) {
            self.value = value

extension CopyOnWriteBox: Equatable where Value: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: Self<Value>, rhs: Self<Value>) -> Bool {
        lhs.ref.value == rhs.ref.value
struct Person: Equatable {
    var name: String

struct Team: Equatable {
    var leader: Person

var t1 = Team(leader: Person(name: "aaa")) = "bbb"

Unclear if this warrants its own post, but I just ran into the same issue except this time on large enums.

Luckily the fix was simple (although confusing?). This feels like a separate Swift bug but one that is related:

- enum HomeAction: Equatable {
+ indirect enum HomeAction: Equatable {

Moving the indirect still results in a EXC_BAD_ACCESS but the stack trace is different, might be related to CasePaths instead (it complains inside of withProjectedPayload).

Also, fwiw, we rely heavily on the copy-on-write property wrapper above to workaround the struct issues.


This issue in swift with stack overflows is just crazy and I don't understand why we can't adjust the stack size limit to a larger value.

We can't even test these issues because the simulator uses a different stack size.

The swift language maintainers should wake up!!

What if you made you AppState a class and make it equatable ? This might alleviate the issue ?

we can't adjust the stack size limit to a larger value.

Technically, you can set the stackSize when you create a Thread, but this will unfortunately not work for the main thread.

Technically, main stack size could be very large, say, half of installed RAM. It won't be a waste as only a fraction of it can be wired upfront (e.g. 100K), and more stack memory wired on when and if needed. I don't know why it is not done this way, however deep recursion on the main stack is probably not the best idea either. This day and age most code runs on background threads / queues anyway, so ability to control the size of main thread stack would hardly achieve anything material.

You may use UnsafeMutablePointer, but be careful with memory management.

Or I just use array and it works ;) it's just not very nice