- Welcome @PeterAdams-A from Apple! @PeterAdams-A will take over from @johannesweiss while @johannesweiss goes on paternity leave.
- @PeterAdams-A & @johannesweiss will be the review manager for the Lambda proposal
- @tanner0101 will be the review manager for Backtrace proposal
- [AI] @tomerd to amend the sswg process making it clear proposal from 2+ SSWG members can be done without a pitch first (pitch -> proposal requires endorsement of 2 SSWG members)
- [AI] @johannesweiss to reach out to @fabianfett to see about cross posting the lambda deployment guide in the sswg guides area
- [AI] @tomerd to reach out to @gibbster from amazon to see about cross posting the amazon EC2 deployment guide in the sswg guides area
- [AI] @Logan_Wright to finalize Heroku proposal
- [AI] @Logan_Wright to finalize Heroku deployment guide
- [AI] @tanner0101 to finalize the Digital Ocean guide