Hello everyone,
I'm new to Swift and I'm currently facing a strange issue with ArgumentParser. Recently, my code using ArgumentParser has stopped working without any changes being made to the codebase. I'm hoping to get some help in resolving this issue.
In my Swift project i'm using ArgumentParser to handle command-line arguments, yesterday this code was working fine but now it's throwing fatal error. I don't understand what is happenning.
The error is ArgumentParser/ArgumentDecoder.swift:89: Fatal error. The stack trace:
ArgumentParser/ArgumentDecoder.swift:89: Fatal error
Current stack trace:
0 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d757f4dc0 _swift_stdlib_reportFatalErrorInFile + 112
1 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754be91c <unavailable> + 1444124
2 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754be738 <unavailable> + 1443640
3 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754bd220 _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 807
4 translater 0x00005652200a2d16 <unavailable> + 531734
5 translater 0x00005652200a43b0 <unavailable> + 537520
6 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754da93a <unavailable> + 1558842
7 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754ef9e0 Dictionary<>.init(from:) + 1830
8 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754f1a50 <unavailable> + 1653328
9 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d7573d9f0 dispatch thunk of Decodable.init(from:) + 4
10 translater 0x00005652200a3441 <unavailable> + 533569
11 translater 0x00005652200a4983 <unavailable> + 539011
12 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754dc159 <unavailable> + 1565017
13 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d754d36c0 KeyedDecodingContainer.decode<A>(_:forKey:) + 34
14 translater 0x000056522021a120 <unavailable> + 2068768
15 translater 0x000056522021ab00 <unavailable> + 2071296
16 libswiftCore.so 0x00007f2d7573d9f0 dispatch thunk of Decodable.init(from:) + 4
17 translater 0x00005652200ce0f9 <unavailable> + 708857
18 translater 0x00005652200cea1b <unavailable> + 711195
19 translater 0x00005652200cf75f <unavailable> + 714591
20 translater 0x000056522009f17b <unavailable> + 516475
21 translater 0x000056522009fbfd <unavailable> + 519165
22 translater 0x00005652200a0777 <unavailable> + 522103
23 translater 0x0000565220212e92 <unavailable> + 2039442
24 libc.so.6 0x00007f2d7511ed90 <unavailable> + 171408
25 libc.so.6 0x00007f2d7511edc0 __libc_start_main + 128
26 translater 0x0000565220052945 <unavailable> + 203077
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
My main file:
struct CommandLine: ParsableCommand {
@Flag(name: .customLong("dry-run"), help: "Prints the results of the operation but does not save it to the database.")
var dryRun: Bool = false
@Option(name: .customLong("json"), help: "JSON file to parse." )
var jsonFile: String?
@Option(name: .customLong("csv"), help: "CSV file to parse." )
var csvFile: String?
@Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Source language of the file.")
var sourceLang: String?
@Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Target language.")
var targetLang: String?
@Flag(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Show available languages.")
var languages: Bool = false
@Flag(name: .customLong("deleteMaster"), help: "Delete all translations from master table.")
var deleteMaster: Bool = false
var translations: [String: String] = [:]
mutating func run() throws {
print("DEBUG PRINT")
if languages {
// more stuff
The print in the first line of the run function never is executed, the fatal error is thrown before it.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Edit: i have read the argument parser documentation and the github repo but i didn't find anything to help me.