Issue generating a correct Merkle tree root using Swift

I have some code that generates a Merkle tree with a root called data_root. Unfortunately I'm doing something wrong and the data_root value is not correct. What I am doing is actually converting a javascript implementation into Swift and something is getting lost in translation. I've included code and the function generateTransactionChunks is what creates the data_root. Any help appreciated! Here's a link to original

import Foundation
import CryptoKit
import zlib

struct Chunk {
    let dataHash: Data
    let minByteRange: Int
    let maxByteRange: Int

class BranchNode {
    var id: Data
    var type: MerkleNode? = nil
    let byteRange: Int
    var maxByteRange: Int
    let leftChild: MerkleNode?
    let rightChild: MerkleNode?
    init(id: Data, byteRange: Int, maxByteRange: Int, leftChild: MerkleNode? = nil, rightChild: MerkleNode? = nil) { = id
        self.byteRange = byteRange
        self.maxByteRange = maxByteRange
        self.leftChild = leftChild
        self.rightChild = rightChild

class LeafNode {
    var id: Data
    let dataHash: Data
    var type: MerkleNode? = nil
    let minByteRange: Int
    var maxByteRange: Int
    init(id: Data, dataHash: Data, minByteRange: Int, maxByteRange: Int) { = id
        self.dataHash = dataHash
        self.minByteRange = minByteRange
        self.maxByteRange = maxByteRange

enum MerkleNode {
    case branchNode(BranchNode)
    case leafNode(LeafNode)

enum BranchOrLeafError: Error {
    case UnknownNodeType

struct Proof {
    let offset: Int
    let proof: Data

enum ProofType {
    case item(Proof)
    case array([Proof])

enum HashDataType {
    case data(Data)
    case dataArray([Data])

let MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024
let MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 32 * 1024
let NOTE_SIZE = 32
let HASH_SIZE = 32

func chunkData(data: Data) -> [Chunk] {
    var chunks = [Chunk]()
    var rest = data
    var cursor = 0
    while(rest.count >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
        var chunkSize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
        let nextChunkSize = rest.count - MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
        if (nextChunkSize > 0 && nextChunkSize < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) {
            chunkSize = Int(ceil(Double(rest.count / 2)))
        let chunk = rest.subdata(in: 0..<chunkSize)
        let dataHash = SHA256.hash(data: chunk)
        cursor += chunk.count
        chunks.append(Chunk(dataHash:, minByteRange: cursor - chunk.count, maxByteRange: cursor))
        rest = rest.subdata(in: chunkSize..<rest.count)
    chunks.append(Chunk(dataHash: SHA256.hash(data: rest).data, minByteRange: cursor, maxByteRange: cursor + rest.count))
    return chunks

func generateLeaves(chunks: [Chunk]) -> [LeafNode] {
    return { chunk in
        let leaf = LeafNode(
            id: hash(data: HashDataType.dataArray([hash(data:, hash(data: chunk.maxByteRange)))])),
            dataHash: chunk.dataHash,
            minByteRange: chunk.minByteRange,
            maxByteRange: chunk.maxByteRange
        leaf.type = MerkleNode.leafNode(leaf)
        return leaf

func hash(data: HashDataType) -> Data {
    switch data {
    case .dataArray(let dataArray):
        let localData = concatBuffers(buffers: dataArray)
        return Data(SHA256.hash(data: localData))
    case .data(let dataItem):
        return Data(SHA256.hash(data: dataItem))

func intToBuffer(note: Int) -> Data {
    var note = note
    var buffer = Data(capacity: NOTE_SIZE)
    for i in stride(from: buffer.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
        let byte = note % 256
        buffer[i] = UInt8(byte)
        note = (note - byte) / 256
    return buffer

// of leafs or branches
func buildLayers(nodes: [MerkleNode], level: Int = 0) throws -> MerkleNode {
    let nodesCount = nodes.count
    if nodesCount < 2 {
        return nodes[0]
    var nextLayer = [MerkleNode]()
    for i in stride(from: 0, to: nodesCount, by: 2) {
        nextLayer.append(try hashBranch(left: nodes[i], right: i + 1 < nodesCount ? nodes[i + 1] : nil))
    return try buildLayers(nodes: nextLayer, level: level + 1)

func generateTransactionChunks(data: Data) throws -> Chunks {
    var chunks = chunkData(data: data)
    let leaves = generateLeaves(chunks: chunks)
    let root = try buildLayers(nodes: { leaf in
    var proofs = generateProofs(root: root)
    if chunks.count > 0 {
        let lastChunk = chunks.last
        if ((lastChunk!.maxByteRange - lastChunk!.minByteRange) == 0) {
            chunks.remove(at: chunks.count - 1)
            proofs.remove(at: proofs.count - 1)
    var rootId: Data?
    switch root {
    case .leafNode(let leaf):
        rootId =
    case .branchNode(let branch):
        rootId =
    return Chunks(data_root: rootId!, chunks: chunks, proofs: proofs)

func generateProofs(root: MerkleNode) -> [Proof] {
    do {
        let proofs = try resolveBranchProofs(node: root)
        switch proofs {
        case .item(let proofItem):
            return [proofItem]
        case .array(let proofArray):
            return proofArray
    } catch {
        print("failed to resolve branch proofs \(error)")
    return []

func resolveBranchProofs(node: MerkleNode, proof: Data = Data(), depth: Int = 0) throws -> ProofType {
    switch node {
    case .leafNode(let leaf):
        return ProofType.item(
            Proof(offset: leaf.maxByteRange - 1, proof: concatBuffers(buffers: [proof, leaf.dataHash, intToBuffer(note: leaf.maxByteRange)]))
    case .branchNode(let branch):
        var buffers = [
        if let leftChild = branch.leftChild {
            if case .leafNode(let leftLeaf) = leftChild {
            } else if case .branchNode(let leftBranch) = leftChild {
        if let rightChild = branch.rightChild {
            if case .leafNode(let rightLeaf) = rightChild {
            } else if case .branchNode(let rightBranch) = rightChild {
        buffers.append(intToBuffer(note: branch.byteRange))
        let partialProof = concatBuffers(buffers: buffers)
        var resolvedProofs = [Proof]()
        if let leftChild = branch.leftChild {
            let result = try resolveBranchProofs(node: leftChild, proof: partialProof, depth: depth + 1)
            if case .item(let item) = result {
        if let rightChild = branch.rightChild {
            let result = try resolveBranchProofs(node: rightChild, proof: partialProof, depth: depth + 1)
            if case .item(let item) = result {
        return ProofType.array(resolvedProofs)

func hashBranch(left: MerkleNode, right: MerkleNode? = nil) throws -> MerkleNode {
    if right == nil {
        switch left {
        case .leafNode(let leaf):
            let branch = BranchNode(id:, byteRange: leaf.maxByteRange, maxByteRange: leaf.maxByteRange, leftChild: nil, rightChild: nil)
            branch.type = MerkleNode.branchNode(branch)
            return branch.type!
        case .branchNode(let branch):
            return branch.type!
    } else {
        var leftLeaf: LeafNode?
        var leftBranch: BranchNode?
        var rightLeaf: LeafNode?
        var rightBranch: BranchNode?
        switch left {
        case .leafNode(let leaf):
            leftLeaf = leaf
        case .branchNode(let branch):
            leftBranch = branch
        switch right! {
        case .leafNode(let leaf):
            rightLeaf = leaf
        case .branchNode(let branch):
            rightBranch = branch
        let branch = BranchNode(
            id: hash(data: HashDataType.dataArray([
                hash(data: leftLeaf != nil ?!.id) :!.id)),
                hash(data: rightLeaf != nil ?!.id) :!.id)),
                hash(data: leftLeaf != nil ? leftLeaf!.maxByteRange : leftBranch!.maxByteRange))),
            byteRange: leftLeaf != nil ? leftLeaf!.maxByteRange : leftBranch!.maxByteRange,
            maxByteRange: rightLeaf != nil ? rightLeaf!.maxByteRange : rightBranch!.maxByteRange,
            leftChild: left,
            rightChild: right
        branch.type = MerkleNode.branchNode(branch)
        return branch.type!

You can introduce a bunch of log statements (e.g. after every line) that print relevant information about the current variables around them. Do it in both Java and swift version and then compare the two logs: the first point of difference is the place to fix, then just continue fixing all differences until there is nothing left at which point your swift implementation is fully fixed. It might be required to do something upfront to remove any randomness in the two implementations (e.g. seed random to the same value, set appropriate Xcode setting to have swift hashes stable, etc).

If Java's Data/Array/Dictionary are reference types (I believe they are) - that would be the obvious difference to look at closely.


@jsoneaday did you manage to get it to work and did you open source the result?