Isolated synchronous deinit
- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Authors: Mykola Pokhylets
- Review Manager: TBD
- Status: WIP
- Implementation: mpokhylets/isolated-deinit
This feature lifts restrictions on deinit
of actors and GAITs imposed by SE-0327 by providing runtime support for hopping onto executors in __deallocating_deinit()
Combination of automatics reference counting and deterministic deinitialization makes deinit
in Swift a powerful tool for resource management. It greatly reduces need for close()
-like methods (unsubscribe()
, cancel()
, shutdown()
, etc.) in the public API. Such methods not only clutter public API, but also introduce a state where object is already unusable but is still referencable.
Restrictions imposed by SE-0327 reduce usefullness of explicit deinit
s in actors and GAITs. Workarounds for these limitations may involve creation of close()
-like methods, or even manual reference counting, if API should be able to serve several clients.
In cases when deinit
belongs to a subclass of UIView
or UIViewController
which are known to call deinitializer on the main thread, developers may be tempted to silence the diagnostic by adopting @unchecked Sendable
in types that are not actually sendable. This undermines concurrency checking by the compiler, and may lead to data races when using incorrectly marked types in other places.
Proposed solution
... is to allow execution of deinit
and object deallocation to be the scheduled on the executor, if needed.
Let's consider examples from SE-0327:
In case of several instances with shared data isolated on common actor problem is completely eliminated:
class NonSendableAhmed {
var state: Int = 0
class Maria {
let friend: NonSendableAhmed
init() {
self.friend = NonSendableAhmed()
init(sharingFriendOf otherMaria: Maria) {
// While the friend is non-Sendable, this initializer and
// and the otherMaria are isolated to the MainActor. That is,
// they share the same executor. So, it's OK for the non-Sendable value
// to cross between otherMaria and self.
self.friend = otherMaria.friend
deinit {
// Used to be a potential data race.
// Now deinit is also isolated on the MainActor.
// So this code is perfectly correct.
friend.state += 1
func example() async {
let m1 = await Maria()
let m2 = await Maria(sharingFriendOf: m1)
doSomething(m1, m2)
In case of escaping self, race condition is eliminated but problem of escaping self
remains. This problem exists for synchronous code as well and is orthogonal to the concurrency features.
actor Clicker {
var count: Int = 0
func click(_ times: Int) {
for _ in 0..<times {
self.count += 1
deinit {
let old = count
let moreClicks = 10000
Task { await } // ❌ This WILL keep `self` alive after the `deinit`!
for _ in 0..<moreClicks {
// No data race.
// Actor job created by the task is either
// not created yet or is waiting in the queue.
self.count += 1
assert(count == old + moreClicks) // Always works
assert(count == old + 2 * moreClicks) // Always fails
Detailed design
Proposal introduces new runtime function that is used to schedule task-less block of synchronous code on the executor by wrapping it into an ad hoc task. If no switching is needed, block is executed immediately on the current thread. It does not do any reference counting and can be safely used even with references that were released for the last time but not deallocated yet.
using AdHocWorkFunction = SWIFT_CC(swift) void (void *);
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_performOnExecutor(void *context, AdHocWorkFunction *work, ExecutorRef newExecutor);
internal func _performOnExecutor(_ ctx: __owned AnyObject,
_ work: @convention(thin) (__owned AnyObject) -> Void,
_ executor: UnownedSerialExecutor)
If deinit
is isolated, code that normally is emitted into __deallocating_init
gets emitted into new entity - __isolated_deallocating_init
. And __deallocating_init
is emitted as a thunk that reads executor from self
(for actors) or global actor (for GAITs) and calls swift_task_performOnExecutor
passing self
, __isolated_deallocating_init
and desired executor.
Non-deallocting deinit is not affected by the changes.
Rules for computing isolation
Isolation of deinit comes with runtime and code size cost. Classes that don't perform custom actions in deinit and only need to release references don't need isolated deinit. Releasing child objects can be done from any thread. If those objects are concerned about isolation, they should adopt isolation themselves.
class Foo {
let bar: Bar
// No isolated deinit generated.
// Reference to Bar can be released from any thread.
// Class Bar is responsible for correctly isolating its own deinit.
actor MyActor {
let bar: Bar
// Similar
If there is explicit deinit
, then isolation is computed following usual rules for isolation of class instance members. It takes into account isolation attributes on the parent class, deinit itself, and allows nonisolated
keyword to be used to supress isolation of the parent class:
class Foo {
deinit {} // Isolated on MainActor
class Bar {
deinit {} // Isolated on SecondActor
class Baz {
nonisolated deinit {} // Not isolated
actor MyActor {
deinit {} // Isolated on self
actor AnotherActor {
nonisolated deinit {} // Not isolated
When inheritance is involved, classes can add isolation to the non-isolated deinit
of the base class, but they cannot change (remove or change actor) existing isolation.
class Base {} // deinit is not isolated
class Derived: Base {
@SecondActor deinit { // Isolated on SecondActor
class IsolatedBase {
@FirstActor deinit {} // Isolated on FirstActor
class Derived1: IsolatedBase {
// deinit is still isolated on FirstActor
class Derived2: IsolatedBase {
nonisolated deinit {} // ERROR
class Derived3: IsolatedBase {
@SecondActor deinit {} // ERROR
Source compatibility
Proposal makes previously invalid code valid.
Effect on ABI stability
Proposal does not change ABI of the existing language features, but introduces new runtime function.
Effect on API resilience
Isolation attributes of the deinit
become part of the public API, but it matters only when inheriting from the class.
Changing deinitializer from nonisolated to isolated is allowed on final classes. But for non-final classes it may effect how deinitializers of the subclasses are generated.
The same is true for changing identity of the isolating actor.
Changing deinitializer from isolated to nonisolated does not break ABI. Any unmodified subclasses will keep calling deinit
of the superclass on the original actor.
Future Directions
Managing priority of the deinitialization job
Currently job created for the isolated deinit
inherits priority of the task/thread that performed last release. If there are references from different tasks/threads, value of this priority is racy. It is impossible to reason about which tasks/threads can reference the object based on local analysis, especially since object can be referenced by other objects. Ideally deinitialization should happen with a predictable priority. Such priority could be set using attributes on the deinitializer or be provided by the isolating actor.
Clearing task local values
Current implementation preserves task local values if last release happened on the desired executor, or runs deinitializer without any task local values. Ideally deinitialization should happen with a predictable state of task local values. This could be achieved by blocking task-local values even if deinitializer is immediately executed. This could implemented as adding a node that stops lookup of the task-local values into the linked list.
Asynchronous deinit
Similar approach can be used to start a detached task for executing async
deinit, but this is out of scope of this proposal.
Alternatives considered
Placing hopping logic in swift_release()
and UIViewController
implement hopping to the main thread by overriding release
method. But in Swift there are no vtable/wvtable slots for releasing, and adding them would also affect a lot of code that does not need isolated deinit.