Here is a simple example that crashed in my library because I had the assumption that the returned Data
will have adjusted indexes which apperently it doesn't since it's not really Data
but a view into a different storage.
func first(_ data: Data) {
guard data.count == 8 else { return }
second(data[0 ... 3])
second(data[4 ... 7]) // This will lead to a crash due to a promotion of a slice where no slice is expected
func second(_ data: Data) {
guard data.count == 4 else { return }
print(data[0 ... 3])
let data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
Shouldn't this susbcript return rather something like a DataSlice
instead, to prevent passing a view where it's not expected?
One can workaround this by change the range in second
into something like data.startIndex ..< data.endIndex
but then why would we allow numeric subscripting in first place and I do not expect Data
to be a slice of a different Data
similar to how a String
has a Substring
or an Array
has an ArraySlice
which clearly signals to the user this kind of issues.