Got it. Thank you very much for taking time for this.
Hi Masaki,
Thanks for the additional info. I have a slightly different idea on how
to approach this which I think will be more performant. Let me work on that
and get back to you.
- Tony
On Jun 22, 2017, at 7:51 PM, Masaki Haga <> wrote:
Hi Tony,
Thank you very much for replying. Let me clarify what I was saying.
Let’s say, we have a JSON like this:
"badge": 1,
"content_available": false,
"mutable_content": false
and to decode this JSON, we have to have a Codable model like below with
custom CodingKeys enum:
struct APS: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case badge = "badge"
case contentAvailable = "content_available"
case mutableContent = "mutable_content"
var badge: Int
var contentAvailable: Bool
var mutableContent: Bool
This is a very small JSON so it is not hard to write this custom enum.
However, it is very cumbersome to define this enum in all of the
pre-existing models in our project to be able to decoded by Decodable and
we rather prefer just to have a model something like this:
struct APS: Codable {
var badge: Int
var contentAvailable: Bool
var mutableContent: Bool
To be able to decode this model with JSONDecoder, I wrote a JSON
converter like this:
extension String {
var camelcased: String {
return self
.components(separatedBy: "_")
.map { 0 == $0.offset ? $0.element : $0.element.capitalized }
// This extension above was referenced from an article written in
Japanese: CodingKeyで、case名のcamelCase ⇄ stringValueのsnake_case を自動で変換する #Swift - Qiita
struct JSONCaseConverter {
public static func process(_ JSONObject: Any) -> Any {
if var dict = JSONObject as? [String: Any] {
for (key, value) in dict {
dict[key.camelcased] = process(value)
dict.removeValue(forKey: key)
return dict
} else if let array = JSONObject as? [Any] {
} else {
return JSONObject
Basically, this JSONCaseConverter go though all the keys in a JSON and
convert the key from snake-case to camel-case so that the JSON can be
decoded directly with the model without custom CodingKeys enum.
And then if we have a Data type JSON object (typically got from
URLSession.dataTask) and want to do some processing like this and decode
with JSONDecoder, we need to do:
1. Serialize Data object with JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:) and
get Any type JSON Object
2. do some processing to the Any type JSON Object
3. Serialize Any type Object with
and get Data type JSON Object back.
4. and then call JSONDecoder.decode().
However, JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:) is called again in
JSONDecoder.decode() implementation so there is a computational redundancy.
Because I have already seen several this camel-case vs snake-case
discussion in some places including Swift Evolution, I guess not a small
number of developers will take the similar apploach ( I understand
automatic key renaming could be a unsafe operation and this is just my
personal opinion).
Anyways, I was wondering if there is any way to opt-out the
JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:) in JSONDecoder.decode(). And if not,
is it a good idea to have one more API such as `decode<T>(_ type: T.Type,
from JSONObject: Any)` which I think gives more flexibility to the API?
- Masaki
2017-06-23 8:01 GMT+09:00 Tony Parker <>:
Hi Masaki,
Do you mean that you are going through the JSON as a string value and
changing the keys, then you want to pass this re-written JSON to the
- Tony
On Jun 21, 2017, at 6:58 PM, Masaki Haga via swift-users < >>>> wrote:
Hi Swift-Users,
I was wondering if there is any way to decode JSON from Any type JSON
Object using `JSONDecoder`, not from Data type object.
Currently, `JSONDecoder` has only one decode function which decodes Data
type object to `Decodable`. Inside the function, it serializes Data object
to Any Type JSON Object using `JSONSerialization` and pass it into
`_JSONDecoder(referencing:, options:)` (Refer JSONEncoder.swift#874).
As discussed in some of other threads such as "SE-0166: Swift Archival &
Serialization", the default implementation of JSONDecoder or Decodable
protocol doesn’t allow to decode from one format to another format (such as
snake-case to camel-case), we need to implement custom CodingKey enums.
However, in our project, to parse the server API JSON response with
snake-case, declaring custom CodingKey enums for all the pre-existing
models is almost impossible and very inefficient, so I decided to covert
all the JSON keys from snake-case to camel-case, and then pass it into
`JSONDecoder.decode`. To achieve this, we need to convert the Data object
resulted from `URLSession.task` to Any type JSON Object using
`JSONSerialization`, do the conversion from snake-case to camel-case and
then convert back to Data type and then pass to `JSONDecoder.decode` which
looks very redundant because the function uses `JSONSerialization` inside
of it as mentioned above. If there is a function like below, we can get rid
of this redundant call of `JSONSerialization`.
func decode<T : Decodable>(_ type: T.Type, from JSONObject: Any) throws
-> T
Sorry if I am misunderstanding the new API but is there any way to
decode `Decodable` directly from Any type JSON Object?
If not, I think adding the function aforementioned and giving an ability
to opt-out this JSON serialization call would give more flexibility to the
API in my humble opinion.
Thank you for reading.
All the best,
- Masaki
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