Hi, I have a question about swiftmodule file, here is the background.
Our project has many dependencies which are binary file. And these dependencies are build in the remote server. And I found the input block of .swiftmodule file has some problem. In the input block, the serch path is refer to the path of the remote server. Just like '<SEARCH_PATH abbrevid=9 op0=1 op1=0/> blob data = '/Users/remoteserver/builds/A/Pods/B', and this cause a lldb problem. When hit the breakpoint, the lldb will report:
warning: (arm64) /Users/ray/workspace/MainProject/Pods/A.framework/A(SomeObjectFile.o) 0x00001de1: unable to locate module needed for external types: /Users/remoteserver/builds/A/Pods/B
error: '/Users/remoteserver/builds/A/Pods/B' does not exist
Debugging will be degraded due to missing types. Rebuilding the project will regenerate the needed module files.
Anyone has ideas about this?