I'm wondering if anyone had successfully used SPM plugins with Xcode. It seems there is some support to it, since I've managed to apply a plugin before building a macOS target, however, when trying to do the same for iOS, the plugin fails.
I also can't find any example in the wild, it seems not even SwiftGen is using plugins, although I was hoping they do, since the example in the proposal was targeting SwiftGen directly.
So, bottom line would be, does anyone know if this is fully implemented and I should invest more time in it making it work or should I just focus on distributing my tools via homebrew + Xcode scripts like in the past?
But i think i will stick with that setup anyways, even if this problem is solved.
It has some advantages IMO:
It reduces buildtime because consumers dont have to build my cli tools dependencies
it avoid some dependency conflicts (I for instance use SwiftSyntax if a consumer of the plugin wants to use a different version SwiftPM would currently not be able to do that)