Introducing my armhf swift 5.9 toolchiain


With this toolchain, you can cross-compile your swift code with SPM, and run it in armhf linux platform.
For now, I am runing swift in my Zynq-7020 petalinux and STM32MP157 linux platform.

And I am writing building doc, which you can refer to and build you own armhf toolchain.


That’s great! We would definitely be interested in more details for building a toolchain.
CC: @xtremekforever

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Hello Swift community,

I have updated my building experience for how to build your own swift-linux-armhf sdk.

Please refer to How to Build Your Own Swift-linux-armhf sdk.

Any questions, pls let me know.

I am happy to use swift everywhere! :wink:


FYI, your instructions worked well. How is Swift 5.9 working for you on your device- any issues so far?

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I don't meet any problem yet.
But as the README file say, C++ Interoperability is disabled.

Most of time, it just like you write Swift code for apple device.

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Okay, that is reasonable. Well, perhaps a goal could be to soon look into enabling Cxx interop, since that's a nice feature to be able to start using. But, as long as most of the base features work then we are in good shape.