Interested in Lexical scopes for swift-syntax and Code Completion for Keywords using swift-syntax

Hello, greetings to all swift community. Myself Prasanna Saxena, currently doing graduation in Computer Science with specialization in AIML.I browsed through the project ideas of Swift for GSoC 2024,and keenly interested in two of the project ideas, that are Lexical scopes for swift-syntax and Code Completion for Keywords using swift-syntax. I am an Open Source enthusiast, well versed with C++, comfortable with Swift and highly enthusiastic and determined to learn and implement any new skills required for above two projects.
I hope if I can get help with

  1. what should i start with and what contributions and progress i can do before the starting of application period for contributors. it okay to apply for and work for both the project ideas, as both have piqued my interest.

Thank You.

Hi @prasanna5,

Great to hear that you are interested in the projects. Regarding how to get started, I wrote this post last year and it’s pretty much still up-to-date. Implementing Incremental Re-Parsing in SwiftParser, GSoC 2023 - #2 by ahoppen

And yes, as far as I know you can submit two project proposal. If you do have a preference for one of them, I would encourage you to mention that in your proposals as well.

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