On Dec 10, 2015, at 10:33 AM, Matthew Davies via swift-users < >>> swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
Ooh okay. I think that should work for my purposes. Thanks.
On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Daniel Dunbar <daniel_dunbar@apple.com >>> > wrote:
Note that you can define a protocol which will allow your framework to
instantiate the type, and to call methods on instances of that type. If you
can structure your code in this fashion, it can be very elegant in that it
doesn't require factory functions and it is type safe.
For example:
struct GraphableDescription { }
protocol Graphable {
/// Construct a graphable item from a description.
init(description: GraphableDescription)
func graph()
// Example framework method.
func graphItem(description: GraphableDescription, graphable:
Graphable.Type) {
// Instantiate the graphable.
let item = graphable.init(description: description)
// Graph it.
// Example Graphable client.
struct Circle: Graphable {
init(description: GraphableDescription) { }
func graph() { }
// Example framework client.
func foo() {
graphItem(GraphableDescription(), graphable: Circle.self)
- Daniel
On Dec 10, 2015, at 9:59 AM, Matthew Davies via swift-users < >>>> swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
I don't really like the idea of a factory function, but unfortunately
that might be the only way to do it :( However, due to my specific use
case, I don't think a factory function will work. I'm working on a
framework that will need to both instantiate the class from a string (or
class type) *and* call methods dynamically on it. Which, I'm not sure
I can do in the build tools that are provided in the open source package.
Foundation hasn't been fully implemented and is missing a lot of the
methods that would allow this to work.
@Jens thanks for that blog post. I'll have to make sure I check back to
see what his solution is for it.
*Matthew Davies*
Junior Developer, GeoStrategies <http://geostrategies.com/>
Director of Photography, OffBlock Films <http://offblockfilms.com/>
209-225-3246 <209-225.3246> | 209-202-3284 | daviesgeek@gmail.com |
<http://us.linkedin.com/in/daviesgeek> <http://twitter.com/daviesgeek>
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On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Jan Neumüller <swift-users@swift.org> >>>> wrote:
Please no factory madness in Swift. This stuff is bad enough in Java -
don’t infect Swift with it.
On 10.12.2015, at 18:23, Jens Alfke via swift-users < >>>>> swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
On Dec 10, 2015, at 7:26 AM, Harlan Haskins via swift-users < >>>>> swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
IIRC this isn’t possible because there’s no Runtime to query for
classnames (it’s inherently unsafe anyway).
It’s not unsafe if you specify a base class/protocol that the loaded
class must conform to.
You might want to look into a better way of doing that you’re trying
to do.
I disagree with “a better way” — “a workaround” is how I’d rephrase
it. This kind of dynamism is often the best tool for the job, and a lot of
Cocoa developers are frustrated by its absence in Swift. For example,
there’s a series of blog posts from earlier this year by the highly
respected Brent Simmons [NetNewsWire, MarsEdit, Glassboard, etc., currently
at Omni]:
inessential: Swift Diary
inessential: Swift Diary #1: Class or Struct from String
The workaround I’d suggest is a factory function that contains a
switch statement that matches class names and returns newly initialized
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