Initiative: Swift Platform Work Group

I think this is a fantastic idea, and an important area for Swift to improve. Thank you for writing up this proposal!

Others have noted how this intersects with the proposed Swift Tooling Workgroup. I recommend narrowing this bullet point to reduce the overlap and provide more focus for this effort. What about something like:

  • Simplify cross-compilation from any host: From any host toolchain, it should be easy to cross-compile to another target given the appropriate SDK, without having to build a complete, separate toolchain.

To the best of my knowledge, Swift's language feature set is consistent across the various platforms. The difference with Apple's platforms is that they are the only ones shipping ABI-stable Swift, because the Swift standard library and runtime is part of the OS. Platform API availability, library evolution, and ABI stability are all part of one conceptual feature, and if some other platform were to choose to ship an ABI-stable Swift, that would involve adding it as a platform with version mappings between platform version and Swift version, along with enabling library evolution for the Swift standard library. That might be a reasonable thing to do, but I don't consider that to be "Empowering Swift compiler for existing platforms."

I recommend either removing this bullet or narrowing it down to something focused on bringing ABI stability to additional platforms. I'm mixed on whether other platforms actually need ABI stability at this point.

I totally understand where you're coming from here, but with my Apple hat on... I'd rather this bullet not be part of the proposal. The changes we all make to Swift on GitHub make it into the toolchains Apple ships in Xcode and uses in its OS platforms.

I think low-resource and bare-metal platforms will benefit greatly from the initiative you are proposing, but I agree that it's a separate thing. It's good to stay focused.

I agree with this :100: . I would like the barrier for a port to be part of the main GitHub repository to be fairly low, so long as it's not breaking CI or causing problems elsewhere, and have ports mature in-tree. The overhead of maintaining separate toolchains for a port is fairly high (e.g., half of SwiftWASM's diff with the main Swift repository is in build/CI configuration), and it makes it unclear where one should start if they just want to try out Swift.
