Importing C-arrays without dealing with tuples

I have accidentally discovered something - something good I believe.

A way of importing C-arrays into Swift, which makes it possible to access the elements of an array by indexing, eliminating the need to deal with potentially large tuples. :slight_smile:

I was trying to import the following C-array into Swift, but I immediately ran into a stumbling block.

struct Packet {
    unsigned long size;
    char bytes [1];  // this style of trailing array is no longer valid

Only the first byte of the array is visible in Swift, because Swift seems to always expect something like one of these:

struct FriendlyPacket {
    unsigned long size;
    char * bytes ; 

struct FixedSizePacket {
    char bytes [8192];

Following @scanon's advice below, I used a flexible array instead:

struct Packet {
    unsigned long size;
    char bytes [];    // using a flexible array instead

This time, however, I was promptly greeted with a new problem: Swift can't see the bytes field at all!

Luckily, there is a simple solution: use a thin adaptation layer.

adaptor: Packet -> FriendlyPacket

// In C

// Case 1 - flexible array
Packet p = ...
FriendlyPacket fp = {p.size, p.bytes};

// Case 2 - fixed-size array
FixedSizePacket p2 = ...
FriendlyPacket fp2 = {sizeof (p2.bytes), p2.bytes};

// Back in Swift
Access elements of bytes in a FriendlyPacket simply by indexing, without having to deal with tuples!

Details Here
// Packet.h

#ifndef Packet_h
#define Packet_h

struct Packet {
    unsigned long size;
    char bytes [ ];

typedef struct Packet Packet;

Packet * Packet_allocate (unsigned long size);
void     Packet_print (Packet *);

struct FriendlyPacket {
    unsigned long size;
    char * bytes;

typedef struct FriendlyPacket FriendlyPacket;

FriendlyPacket Packet_adapt (Packet *);

#endif /* Packet_h */
// Packet.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "Packet.h"

// --------------------------------------------------------
Packet * Packet_allocate (unsigned long size) {
    Packet * ptr = malloc (sizeof (Packet) + size * sizeof (char));
    assert (ptr);
    ptr->size = size;
    ptr->bytes [0] = 5;
    ptr->bytes [size - 1] = 7;
    return ptr;

void Packet_print (Packet * ptr) {
    printf ("Packet: size: %lu\n", ptr->size);
    for (int x = 0; x < ptr->size; ++x) {
        printf ("\tbytes [%d]: %d\n", x, ((int) (ptr->bytes [x])));

FriendlyPacket Packet_adapt (Packet * ptr) {
    FriendlyPacket u = {ptr->size, ptr->bytes};
    return u;

// Test.swift

struct T1 {
    static func main () async {
        let u : UnsafeMutablePointer <Packet> = Packet_allocate (UInt (5))
        Packet_print (u);
        // Can't modify u, because only the first byte is visible in Swift. (or not visible at all in the case the flexible array.)
        // Adapt it to a form Swift can recognize
        let fp = Packet_adapt (u);
        print ("FriendlyPacket: size: \(fp.size)")
        for i in 0..<fp.size {
            print ("\tbytes [\(i)]:\(fp.bytes [Int (i)])")
        // Now can modify it
        for i in 0..<fp.size {
            fp.bytes [Int (i)] *= 3

        Packet_print (u);

I submit this for your perusal.

Thank you.

Edit: use flexible array.


This old-style "trailing array member declared as array[1]" is invalid C, and leads directly to undefined behavior. The correct way to do this in standard C is with char bytes[], which has been in the language since C99.

FWIW, when working with a C struct that really wants to be a collection and doesn't have any other fields, I would probably skip the adaptor type and do something like the following (untested and written in the browser, so don't copy this without some inspection):

struct Packet {
  unsigned long size;
  char bytes[];

/// ------

extension Packet: RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
  public var startIndex: Int { 0 }
  public var endIndex: Int { Int(self.size) }
  public subscript(index: Int) -> UInt8 {
    get {
      return withUnsafeBytes(of: self) {
        $0[MemoryLayout<Self>.size + index]
    set {
      withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &self) {
        $0[MemoryLayout<Self>.size + index] = newValue

For more complicated cases, an adaptor type can make good sense.


Thank you, @scanon.

I have modified the original post to take your advice into account.


struct Packet {
    unsigned long size;
    char bytes []; // Flexible array

Thanks to @lukasa, there exists an elegant and edifying solution for indexing flexible arrays.

There is no longer any need for the thin adaptation layer for flexible arrays! :joy: