I’ve been familiarizing myself with the implementation details of the `AnySequence` and related types, because I’ve encountered strange performance behavior when using them. I have a few questions as a result. I might also hold incorrect assumptions about how Swift works, so please be gentle and educate me. Also excuse the lengthy URLs at the bottom — I’ll be linking to the sources that are at the tip of the master branch at the moment of this writing, so that the links keep working correctly in the future, too.
## Performance of Methods Constructed in Initializers
The `_ClosureBasedIterator` is initialized with a closure that is stored in a constant stored property (`let`) and gets forwarded to inside the `func next() -> Element?`. [1] I also find this pattern very useful in my code, but I wonder about its cost. If this pattern is used on a struct, the direct dispatch should be able to go directly to the underlying implementation, right?
I guess the cost will depend on the type of closure passed in: if it captured any references, the whole struct incurs reference counting penalty. Can the compiler optimize for closures that don’t capture any references and turn this pattern into kind of “compile-time dynamic” constructor, that is equal in performance to the struct that has the same method implemented directly?
Given this pattern is often used in conjunction with generics, does this pattern affect the compiler’s ability to specialize?
## `let` vs `var` for closures
What is the performance implication (impact on eligible compiler optimizations) of storing closure in a `var` instead of `let`?
The `_ClosureBasedSequence` stores the escaping closure to `_makeUnderlyingIterator` in a var. [2]
Based on the example of `_ClosureBasedIterator` and given that it is never mutated, I believe it should be a `let`.
## Abstract Base Class with Single Concrete Implementation
What is the purpose of having an internal abstract base `class _AnyIteratorBoxBase`[3], that is only inherited by the `internal final class _IteratorBox`? [4] It is used as the type to store the underlying base in the `struct AnyIterator`, but the initializers in `AnyIterator` create only concrete instances of `_IteratorBox` and the remaining occurrence of `_AnyIteratorBoxBase` is as parameter for `internal init` that isn’t used anywhere. My search found no other subclasses of `_AnyIteratorBoxBase`, so I guess this is not an extension point.
If my understanding of how method dispatch works in Swift is correct, this prevents direct dispatch and devolves into table dispatch to the underlying base implementation in `public func next() -> Element?`. Or is the compiler able to devirtualize this given the two public initializers only use the `final class _IteratorBox`?
## Links
[1]: swift/ExistentialCollection.swift.gyb at 29ad714bb77913afb26be7507483f5ff3d167d21 · apple/swift · GitHub
[2]: swift/ExistentialCollection.swift.gyb at 29ad714bb77913afb26be7507483f5ff3d167d21 · apple/swift · GitHub
[3]: swift/ExistentialCollection.swift.gyb at 29ad714bb77913afb26be7507483f5ff3d167d21 · apple/swift · GitHub
[4]: swift/ExistentialCollection.swift.gyb at 29ad714bb77913afb26be7507483f5ff3d167d21 · apple/swift · GitHub
Best regards
Pavol Vaskovic