I’m extensively using Enums (with associated values) as part of a Swift server backend, whereby multiple instances of the same application are talking to each other over the network.
Codable messages are encoded on one end, and decoded on the other. It’s useful for me to be able to retrieve the name or index of an enum case to simplify coding, and I find myself writing lots of boilerplate that could easily instead by synthesised by the compiler.
Here’s an example:
enum Event {
case message(_ message: String)
case ping
case userConnected(_ user: User)
// Could be auto-synthesised by compiler
enum IntCase: Int, Codable {
case message
case ping
case userConnected
// Could be auto-synthesised by compiler
enum StringCase: String, Codable {
case message
case ping
case userConnected
// Could be auto-synthesised by compiler
var intCase: IntCase {
switch self {
case .message: return .message
case .ping: return .ping
case .userConnected: return .userConnected
// Could be auto-synthesised by compiler
var stringCase: StringCase {
switch self {
case .message: return .message
case .ping: return .ping
case .userConnected: return .userConnected
Perhaps this could be opt-in via protocol conformance.
Once the Event enum has been decoded (in the Codable sense - from some serialised data), it is an enum and you can use the language’s built-in features (switch, if case, etc), instead of comparing integers and strings.
I see. Well, there have frequently been topics about extending Codable synthesis to include enums with associated values (I think this is the latest one). Perhaps that, or some variant of it, would suit your needs.
I'm not convinced there'll be an automatic Codable behaviour for enums (+associated values) that'll be customisable enough to accommodate all the ways people want to serialise their data. The linked pitch for example, assumes everyone wants a 'key' field in the generated output.
People are always going to want customisable Codable implementations, and something like this would allow people to do so in a clear and concise way for enums.
I'd like to know how I can implement something like the enums from Swift into C# MyBPCreditcard
My use case: in the code you can load List<Something> from multiple different sources. From all sources, I receive the same list of Somethings
I can either retrieve it from API1, but I'd have to pass 1parameters to it. I can also load it from API2 but I'd have to pass 2 parameters to it. I can load it from my local database.
so essentially my function looks like
List<Something> LoadSomethings(Query query) {
switch query {
// implement cases
// do something with results afterwards
return results
in Swift you can easily do
enum Query {
case Api1(query1: Int)
case Api2(query1: Int, query2: String)
case Locally