I don't want to give up

Dear friends,
I am a mechanical engineer in Turkey and just started to learn Swift. But i've never interested in programming languages before. Because of that i am struggling really hard. It's hard to understand and apply. And i don't wanna give up too.
Can you share me your sources for beginners? Please don't forget that i am Turkish guy :slight_smile: Sometimes it's hard to understand English sources. So if you share basic and easy to understand sources , i'll be thankful.

Dear @OGGY

You should check out these resources:-

Here are a few good beginners online video courses.

I'll check it. Thank you brother.

Swift is not an easy language to learn. Just dont give up :slightly_smiling_face:


If you are using a Mac or iPad, Apple has the Swift Playgrounds app which includes a "Learn to Code" series of interactive exercises.

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Thank you so much.

Another book about Swift from Apple is "The Swift Programming Language". Maybe you can read that book after you finish "Learn to Code". The text in "The Swift Programming Language" is written for beginners who have some experience in a different programming language. Some people in the Swift community have translated this book into Chinese and Korean, but I don't think there is a Turkish translation.

(I work on "The Swift Programming Language" book and some of my coworkers write "Learn to Code.")

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As other users have also suggested, I would recommend reading the Swift Book, as it contains lots of helpful explanations and examples. There is also a great YouTube playlist by Paul Hudson called Swift for Beginners which could be a good option if you'd rather learn through watching videos. All the videos in this playlist have auto-generated captions, and the spoken language is fairly slow and easy to understand, so following along shouldn't be a problem.

If you're learning Swift specifically for Apple development (iOS, macOS, etc.) then you'll likely also want some resources for learning SwiftUI. Paul Hudson also has some great videos on this topic, and the website Hacking With Swift has some great examples of how to accomplish commonly done things using SwiftUI.

As it is your first programming language, I'd definitely recommend learning through doing, so make sure to practise what you are learning by actually building things, as opposed to just reading/watching guides.