How to use runtime in Swift?

I want to replace viewDidLoad with the swizzling_viewDidLoad method. What should I do?

I'm not an expert, but I think the only extras in Swift are:

  • import ObjectiveC if it isn't implicitly imported;
  • use @objc dynamic on the methods to be swizzled;
  • use #selector to get the Selector arguments.
import Foundation
import ObjectiveC
import UIKit

class Test: UIViewController {

    class func swizzleViewDidLoadMethods() {
        let oldSelector = #selector(viewDidLoad)
        let newSelector = #selector(swizzling_viewDidLoad)
        let oldMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, oldSelector)!
        let newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, newSelector)!
        let oldImplementation = method_getImplementation(oldMethod)
        let newImplementation = method_getImplementation(newMethod)
        _ = method_setImplementation(oldMethod, newImplementation)
        _ = method_setImplementation(newMethod, oldImplementation)

    @objc dynamic override func viewDidLoad() {
        print("*** OLD \(#function) ***")

    @objc dynamic func swizzling_viewDidLoad() {
        print("*** NEW \(#function) ***")
let test = Test()
test.viewDidLoad()                     // *** OLD viewDidLoad() ***
test.swizzling_viewDidLoad()           // *** NEW swizzling_viewDidLoad() ***

test.viewDidLoad()                     // *** NEW swizzling_viewDidLoad() ***
test.swizzling_viewDidLoad()           // *** OLD viewDidLoad() ***

test.viewDidLoad()                     // *** OLD viewDidLoad() ***
test.swizzling_viewDidLoad()           // *** NEW swizzling_viewDidLoad() ***

test.viewDidLoad()                     // *** NEW swizzling_viewDidLoad() ***
test.swizzling_viewDidLoad()           // *** OLD viewDidLoad() ***
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Does anyone know the best way to call the original method from its replacement?

Should the replacement call "itself", which could be confused for infinite recursion?

@objc dynamic func swizzling_viewDidLoad() {

Or should the original implementation be saved to a third method?

@objc dynamic func swizzling_viewDidLoad() {

Cc: @davedelong

Your replacement appears to call itself (swizzling_viewDidLoad()), assuming you're using method_exchangeImplementations().

Edited to add: you're using two calls to method_setImplementation(). That'll work, but it'll be shorter to do it in a single method_exchangeImplementations() call.

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You can generalize that and wrap it up into an extension on NSObject (maybe even NSObjectProtocol?)

import Foundation 

extension NSObject {
    class func swizzle(_ oldSelector: Selector, with newSelector: Selector) {
        let oldMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, oldSelector)!
        let newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, newSelector)!
        let oldImplementation = method_getImplementation(oldMethod)
        let newImplementation = method_getImplementation(newMethod)
        _ = method_setImplementation(oldMethod, newImplementation)
        _ = method_setImplementation(newMethod, oldImplementation)

Sample usage:

class C: NSObject {
    @objc dynamic func foo() {
    @objc dynamic func bar() {

let obj = C() // Pre-swizzle, prints: foo! // Pre-swizzle, prints: bar!

C.swizzle(#selector(, with: #selector( // Post-swizzle, prints: bar! // Post-swizzle, prints: foo!
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If the swizzling_viewDidLoad method is also @objc dynamic, then the call to "itself" should use objc_msgSend, so it will hopefully end up at the original viewDidLoad implementation.