(SĂ©bastien Stormacq)
February 1, 2025, 5:06pm
I'm writing an HTTP client for a library. I can only use Swift-NIO as a dependency.
The client will poll events from a server (GET /next
) and reuse the same TCP connection once an event has been delivered to poll the next event (issue another GET /next
I'm trying to implement this with NIOAsyncChannel.executeAndClose()
My initial idea was to loop until shutdown is requested and in each pass in the loop, use outbound
to send the GET /next
and iterate over inbound
to read my event.
However, it appears that inbound
can produce only one iterator, my second attempt to iterate over inbound
generates an error:
NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer allows only a single AsyncIterator to be created
How can I reuse the same TCP connection in an HTTP client using NIOAsyncChannel
February 1, 2025, 5:29pm
Create the iterator once and then reuse it for each request.
This is something I have been using in tests:
enum SimpleClient {
typealias ClientHandler<Result> = (NIOAsyncChannelInboundStream<HTTPResponsePart>, NIOAsyncChannelOutboundWriter<HTTPRequestPart>) async throws -> (Result)
static func execute<Result>(host: String, port: Int, _ work: @escaping ClientHandler<Result>) async throws -> Result {
let channel : NIOAsyncChannel = try await ClientBootstrap(group: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.singleton)
.channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SocketOptionLevel(SOL_SOCKET), SO_REUSEADDR), value: 1)
.channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SocketOptionLevel(SOL_SOCKET), SO_REUSEPORT), value: 1)
.connect(host: host, port: port) { channel in
/*.flatMap {
}*/.flatMap {
}.flatMapThrowing {
try NIOAsyncChannel(
wrappingChannelSynchronously: channel,
configuration: .init(
inboundType: HTTPResponsePart.self,
outboundType: HTTPRequestPart.self)
return try await channel.executeThenClose(work)
extension NIOAsyncChannelInboundStream<HTTPResponsePart>.AsyncIterator {
mutating func readFullResponse() async throws -> (HTTPResponse, ByteBuffer, HTTPFields?) {
var response: HTTPResponse?
var body = ByteBuffer()
while let part = try await {
switch part {
case .head(let head):
response = head
case .body(var buf):
case .end(let trailers):
guard let response = response else {
throw HTTPError.unexpectedHTTPPart(part)
return (response, body, trailers)
throw HTTPError.unexpectedHTTPPart(nil)
extension NIOAsyncChannelOutboundWriter<HTTPRequestPart> {
func get(_ path: String) async throws {
try await self.write(.head(HTTPRequest(method: .get, scheme: nil, authority: nil, path: path)))
try await self.write(.end(nil))
func post(_ path: String, body: ByteBuffer) async throws {
try await self.write(.head(HTTPRequest(method: .post, scheme: nil, authority: nil, path: path)))
try await self.write(.body(body))
try await self.write(.end(nil))
func head(_ path: String) async throws {
try await self.write(.head(HTTPRequest(method: .head, scheme: nil, authority: nil, path: path)))
try await self.write(.end(nil))
And then on the use site:
func testMethodNotAllowed() async throws {
var router = Router()
router.get("/user/{id}/posts", handler: AnyHandler { req, res in
try await res.plainText("OK: /users/\(req.pathParameters[required: "id", as: Int.self])/posts")
try await withServer(handler: router.handle) { inbound, outbound in
var inboundIterator = inbound.makeAsyncIterator()
try await outbound.head("/user/123/posts")
var response = try await inboundIterator.readFullResponse()
#expect(response.0.status == .methodNotAllowed)
let body = String(decoding: response.1.readableBytesView, as: UTF8.self)
#expect("" == body) // bodies for head requests are ignored
try await outbound.get("/user/123/posts")
response = try await inboundIterator.readFullResponse()
#expect(response.0.status == .ok)
#expect("OK: /users/123/posts" == String(decoding: response.1.readableBytesView, as: UTF8.self))
(SĂ©bastien Stormacq)
February 2, 2025, 9:19am
This worked for me. Thank you for helping ! It was great seeing you yesterday. I hope you enjoyed Fosdem !