How to test long running effect that sends actions?

Hi I'm new to the library and trying to understand things. I have an action that returns an Effect which sends a "decrement time" action every second. I want to test that every second, I get the decrement time action. I must writing the test incorrectly, because I'm receiving no actions. Can someone help me understand what's happening?

Here's my feature:

struct MyFeature: ReducerProtocol {
    private enum CancelID { }
    struct State: Equatable {

    enum Action: Equatable {
        case start
        case pause
        case decrementTime

    @Dependency(\.continuousClock) var clock

    func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> EffectTask<Action> {
        switch action {
        case .start:
            return .run { send in
                while !Task.isCancelled {
                    try await clock.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
                    await send.send(.decrementTime)
            }.cancellable(id: CancelID, cancelInFlight: true)
        case .pause:
            return Effect.cancel(id: TimerCancelID.self)
        case .decrementTime:
            return .none

And here is my test:

final class MyFeatureTests: XCTestCase {

    func test_starting_timer_decrements_time_every_second() async {
        let testClock = TestClock()
        let store = TestStore(initialState: MyFeature.State(), reducer: MyFeature())
        store.dependencies.continuousClock = TestClock()

        await store.send(.start)
        await testClock.advance(by: .seconds(1))
        await store.receive(.decrementTime)
        await testClock.advance(by: .seconds(1))
        await store.receive(.decrementTime)
        await testClock.advance(by: .seconds(1))
        await store.receive(.decrementTime)
        await store.send(.pause)


I'm getting an error on each receive that an action was expected, but received none. Thanks in advance for the help!

The problem is in these lines:

let testClock = TestClock()
store.dependencies.continuousClock = TestClock()

You are creating a brand new test clock when assigning the dependency rather than using the one you created above. If you do this instead it should work:

store.dependencies.continuousClock = testClock
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Wow what a silly mistake! Thank you!