I can't seems to find documentation on this, is it possible to statically link the swift runtime on windows?
I can't seems to find documentation on this, is it possible to statically link the swift runtime on windows?
No, it is not currently possible to do static linking (of any kind involving Swift) on Windows. There is additional work that needs to be done there to actually support it.
See Enabling Static Linking on Windows - Development / Windows - Swift Forums for additional details.
[quote="RUSshy PrepaidCardStatus"]
I can't seems to find documentation on this, is it possible to statically link the swift runtime on windows?
I can get a swift command-line tool with or without an external framework working, as long as:
To get a Framework to copy the swift libraries, set:
"Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" = Yes
To avoid a build failure when a tool tries to copy the swift libraries into its non-existent Bundle Frameworks directory, set:
"Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" = Yes
To configure a tool's runpath, add one of the following to LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS:
A. The swift libraries in the external framework:
Note that Xcode doesn't symlink Versions/A/Frameworks to Frameworks by default, like it does with Resources, Headers, and Modules.