"How to Set Up an Edit-Build-Test-Debug Loop" guide is not working as expected


I'm trying to set up my local dev environment to build the Swift project as described in the guide below.

But stuck at the build step since both utils/build-script for Xcode and ninja are failing.
What am I missing?

Here is my local environment info:

➜  swift git:(main) cmake --version
cmake version 3.20.5
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake).
➜  swift git:(main) python3 --version
Python 3.9.5
➜  swift git:(main) ninja --version
➜  swift git:(main) sccache --version
sccache 0.2.15

Below are error output.

➜  swift git:(main) utils/update-checkout

➜  swift git:(main) utils/build-script --skip-build-benchmarks \
  --skip-ios --skip-watchos --skip-tvos --swift-darwin-supported-archs "$(uname -m)" \
  --sccache --release-debuginfo --swift-disable-dead-stripping --test \

➜  swift git:(main) utils/build-script --skip-build-benchmarks \
  --skip-ios --skip-watchos --skip-tvos --swift-darwin-supported-archs "$(uname -m)" \
  --sccache --release-debuginfo --swift-disable-dead-stripping --test
error: https://gist.github.com/dinhnhat0401/2021aa9b55e48eb30a4a6482fa793468

Some similar threads that I checked but no luck.