It looks like parts of this answer may have been discussed by @eskimo and @John_McCall on another thread, but I also thought I would provide some insight here in case it helped.
On the C side of the codebase setup the C files and expose the needed functions to Swift using a bridging header. If you start a Swift project and add C or ObjC files to it Xcode will ask if you want to generate a bridging header for your project.
As mentioned above, the bridging header is the place to expose C functions, or C header files with many functions, to Swift.
// Add C Function here or optionally add C headers here.
extern void key_function(char *p0, char **p1);
In the Swift side of the codebase I am suggesting working with an NSString to provide a NULL terminated UTF8 representation of the string that UnsafeMutablePointer can use to create CChar's from and then send over to the key_function() in C.
// Swift Strings
var key: NSString = "zxcvbnmqwertyui"
var error: NSString = "noerror"
// Convert the Swift strings to CChars (or Int8) that map to
var key_p0 = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>(mutating: key.utf8String)
var error_p1 = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>(mutating: error.utf8String)
// Pass the character pointers over to the key_function() function in C.
key_function(key_p0, &error_p1)
I think you should also use withExtendedLifetime on the two strings to make sure they aren't prematurely deallocated. Those UnsafeMutablePointer will not retain the strings.
hello, you can also convert String to UnsafeMutablePointer by using pure swift.
var key = "some strings here"
var key_p0 = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>(mutating: key.cString(using: .utf8))
Here are APIs from Apple Documentation
/// The C 'char' type.
/// This will be the same as either `CSignedChar` (in the common
/// case) or `CUnsignedChar`, depending on the platform.
public typealias CChar = Int8
/// Returns a representation of the string as a C string
/// using a given encoding.
public func cString(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> [CChar]?
/// Creates a mutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the given
/// immutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The immutable pointer to convert.
public init(mutating other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>)
you can also convert String to UnsafeMutablePointer by using pure
The code you posted is not safe. When you build it with a modern version of Swift (I’m using Xcode 12.0, that is, Swift 5.3) you get this warning:
…/main.swift:5:14: warning: initialization of 'UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>' (aka 'UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>') results in a dangling pointer
var key_p0 = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>(mutating: key.cString(using: .utf8))