Hi! I'm running into a situation with parameter packs where I have some working code… but I am looking for some ways to clean it up (if possible). I am hoping to build this all from production 5.10 Swift.
My situation is I have a parameter pack of some Input
types. I then have a parameter pack of closures that produce an Output
for every Input
. A more advanced use-case might be supporting a unique Output
type (another parameter pack). For now I can assume every Input
type produces the same Output
I am looking for a pattern to "apply" my parameter pack of closures to my parameter pack of inputs. Here are some attempts:
func f1<each Input, Output>(
input: repeat each Input,
transform: repeat (each Input) -> Output
) {
let _ = (repeat each transform(input))
let _ = (repeat transform(each input))
let _ = (transform(repeat each input))
Those all fail with different errors.
I am unblocked (for now) with this workaround that uses a local helper function:
func f2<each Input, Output>(
input: repeat each Input,
transform: repeat (each Input) -> Output
) {
func _transform<T>(input: T, transform: (T) -> Output) -> Output {
let _ = (repeat _transform(input: each input, transform: each transform))
This compiles… but I was wondering if there was any way to cut out that extra helper function and perform this work directly.
And then another question I still don't have a great answer for is how might I return that tuple of Output
values back?
func f3<each Input, Output>(
input: repeat each Input,
transform: repeat (each Input) -> Output
) -> Output {
func _transform<T>(input: T, transform: (T) -> Output) -> Output {
return (repeat _transform(input: each input, transform: each transform))
`- error: cannot convert return expression of type '(/* shape: each Input */ repeat Output)' to return type 'Output'
I've looked through SE-0393 and I'm not sure I see any way to specify that each Input repeat Output
type. I am looking for a tuple of Output
values that matches the dimension of the Input
parameter pack. Is something like that even possible with 5.10? Any more advice about that? Thanks!