How to decode JSON returning an array of arrays of different types

I am trying to get JSON from an external source, using AlamoFire tools. Using the .responseJSON method works, but that will be deprecated and in any case I know .responseDecodable is more sound. However, I cannot figure out how to model the data so it will decode. Here is the returned JSON:

    p = 1668147588893;
    q =     {
        cue =         (
                    done = 0;
                    link = new;
                    share = 0;
                    tags = new;
                    title = new;
                    done = 0;
                    link = "";
                    share = 0;
                    tags = new;
                    title = new;
                    done = 1;
                    link = "~.s";
                    share = 0;
                    tags = s;
                    title = gogogo;

I am working on the model, but cannot figure out how to deal with the first element of each underlying item having no key value. Otherwise I think this would be trivially easy. I'm sure there must be some way to use init and a custom decoder, but I cannot figure it out. So far I just have:

struct Response: Decodable {
    let p: Int
    let q: CueFeed

struct CueFeed: Decodable {
    let cue: [CueItem]

But I don't know how to write the struct for CueItem.