I need to debug the generation from SIL to LLVM-IR (specifically, IRGenSIL.cpp), however, debugging swiftc doesn't work (I'm assuming because the executable that generates the IR is launched as a subprocess).
I tried emiting SIL and debugging sil-llvm-gen. This works, but it looks like it does some extra transformations on SIL before emitting the LLVM-IR, which makes the overall LLVM-IR different from what I get from running just emit-ir on swiftc.
Also, I'm on Linux, and --waitfor isn't implemented on LLDB yet.
I don't think there are any additional processes being created. (You can check this with strace on Linux or dtruss on macOS; I don't see any fork/exec calls on macOS.)
From what I can tell, the code in IRGenSIL.cpp is primarily accessed through the IRGenSILFunction type. I suspect what is happening is that the compiler is not reaching the end of IRGenModule::emitSILFunction, which seems to be the only place that type is created. Maybe you need to tweak your example somehow? I don't know much about this file, but one way to figure out what exercises that code path would be to add a fatal error in IRGenSILFunction::emitSILFunction() and run the test suite without rebuilding the stdlib and examine the smallest test case which fell over.
/// Emit the definition for the given SIL constant.
void IRGenModule::emitSILFunction(SILFunction *f) {
if (f->isExternalDeclaration())
// Do not emit bodies of public_external functions.
if (hasPublicVisibility(f->getLinkage()) && f->isAvailableExternally())
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction stackTrace("emitting IR", f);
IRGenSILFunction(*this, f).emitSILFunction();
Is passing '-###' to swiftc a supported way to list command invocations? I can't find a reference to this behavior in swift/docs, but I thought to try because clang happens to behave this way.
When I tried this out on Augusto's example, I got:
To confirm that IRGen was being called, I added a print statement in IRGenModule::emitSILFunction, and added a breakpoint on top of it. The prints were working but the debugger still wouldn't break. I called the swift-frontend invocation directly as Vedant suggested and that works.