how do I capitalize any letters of user input:
sentence.text : my name is
intA.text : 2
intB.text: 5
answer would be: mY nAme is
how do I capitalize any letters of user input:
sentence.text : my name is
intA.text : 2
intB.text: 5
answer would be: mY nAme is
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func capitalize(string: String, positions: IndexSet) -> String {
let range = (0..<string.count)
guard string.count > 0,
positions.allSatisfy({ range ~= $0 }) else {
fatalError("Couldn't capitalize")
return String(string.enumerated().map{ (index, char) in
return positions.contains(index) ? String(char).capitalized.first! : char
but its not working
extension String {
func uppercaseCharAt(_ idx : Int...) -> String {
return self.enumerated().map({ idx.contains($0) ? String($1).uppercased() : String($1) }).joined()
let st = "a quick movement".uppercaseCharAt(5, 9, 11);