How to add this generic static func as a protocol requirement?

protocol P {
    // …
    // For example the following will not work:
    // static func foo<T, R>(_ v: T) -> R
    // Is there some other way?
    // …
struct S2 : P {
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T) {
        return (v, v)
struct S3 : P {
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T, T) {
        return (v, v, v)

(I'm guessing but am not sure that I've run into (yet) a(nother) situation
which would require higher kinded types?)

Try using an associated type for the result of foo():

protocol P {
  associatedtype R

  static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> R



On Jul 7, 2017, at 1:50 AM, Jens Persson via swift-users <> wrote:

protocol P {
    // …
    // For example the following will not work:
    // static func foo<T, R>(_ v: T) -> R
    // Is there some other way?
    // …
struct S2 : P {
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T) {
        return (v, v)
struct S3 : P {
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T, T) {
        return (v, v, v)

(I'm guessing but am not sure that I've run into (yet) a(nother) situation which would require higher kinded types?)
swift-users mailing list

That will not work since R can be different types depending on T (R == (T,
T) for S2 and R == (T, T, T) for S3).
I guess Swift would have to support generic associated type for it to work:
protocol P {
    associatedtype R<U>
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> R<T>
struct S2 : P {
    typealias R<U> = (U, U)
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> R<T> {
        return (v, v)
struct S3 : P {
    typealias R<U> = (U, U, U)
    static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> R<T> {
        return (v, v, v)

But (sadly) according to previous discussions it seems like generic
associated types are very much out of scope for Swift 4.


The generic static func was only a (what I guess is another) failed attempt
at a workaround, and what I'm really trying to achieve is something that is
perhaps better described like this:

protocol VectorCount {
    associatedtype Storage<E>

enum VectorCount2 : VectorCount {
    typealias Storage<E> = (E, E)
enum VectorCount3 : VectorCount {
    typealias Storage<E> = (E, E, E)

struct Vector<Count: VectorCount, Element> {
    var elements: Count.Storage<Element>

That is, Vector is a statically allocated array type, with type level Count
and Element as type parameters.
I currently have a solution which is based around separate generic vector
types for each VectorCountX type, but they are generic only over Element
not both Count and Element, like this:

protocol VectorProtocol {
    associatedtype Count: VectorCount
    associatedtype Element
struct V2<Element> : VectorProtocol {
    typealias Count = VectorCount2
    var elements: (Element, Element)
struct V3<Element> : VectorProtocol {
    typealias Count = VectorCount3
    var elements: (Element, Element, Element)

And you can of course also make specific types like eg:
struct RgbaFloatsSrgbGamma : Vector {
    typealias Count = VectorCount4
    typealias Element = Float

It's working and it can be written in a way such that the optimizer can do
a good job, vectorizing operations on vectors of 4 floats etc. It also
makes it possible to write generic Table<Element, Index> where Index is an
N-dimensional vector of Int elements, which enables me to write
N-dimensional data processing generically, eg a calculating a summed area
table for data of any dimension, etc. But it would be much better to base
the vector types around a concept in which both Element and Count are type
parameters, and not just Element, ie Vector<Count, Element> rather than
V1<Element>, V2<Element>, …



On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Slava Pestov <> wrote:

Try using an associated type for the result of foo():

protocol P {
  associatedtype R

  static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> R


> On Jul 7, 2017, at 1:50 AM, Jens Persson via swift-users < >> wrote:
> protocol P {
> // …
> // For example the following will not work:
> // static func foo<T, R>(_ v: T) -> R
> // Is there some other way?
> // …
> }
> struct S2 : P {
> static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T) {
> return (v, v)
> }
> }
> struct S3 : P {
> static func foo<T>(_ v: T) -> (T, T, T) {
> return (v, v, v)
> }
> }
> (I'm guessing but am not sure that I've run into (yet) a(nother)
situation which would require higher kinded types?)
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