How much can the compiler optimise the following function, which computes Int-division
by subtraction
// Compute division by subtraction
func div2 (_ u: Int, _ v: Int) -> Int {
assert (v > 0)
var q = 0
var n = u
while v <= n {
n -= v
q += 1
return q
I am asking because the above function seems to perform better, on average, than the following function, which performs Int-division
by using the builtin / operator
// Compute division by `/` operator
func div1 (_ u: Int, _ v: Int) -> Int {
assert (v > 0)
let q = u/v
return q
1000000000 / D [i] for D = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 1000000, 1000000000]
M = 1000000 times {div1, div2}, {div2, div1}...
--> div1: 6.7671268916e-08 seconds
--> div2: 6.2785764e-08 seconds
enum Division {
static func main () {
// Repeat
let M = 1_000_000
// N / D [i]
let N = 1_000_000_000
let D = [1, 10, 100, 1_000, 1_000_000, 1_000_000_000]
print ("\(N) / D [i]", "for D = \(D)")
print ()
var dv1: [ContinuousClock.Duration] = []
var dv2: [ContinuousClock.Duration] = []
let f_div1 = {(u: Int, v: Int) in
let d = measure {
let q = div1 (u, v)
assert (q == u / v)
let f_div2 = {(u: Int, v: Int) in
let d = measure {
let q = div2 (u, v)
assert (q == u / v)
print ("M =", M, "times {div1, div2}, {div2, div1}...")
for _ in 0..<M {
for d in D {
f_div1 (N, d)
f_div2 (N, d)
for d in D {
f_div2 (N, d)
f_div1 (N, d)
let t1 = (dv1.reduce (.zero) { partialResult, d in
partialResult + d
}) / dv1.count
let t2 = (dv2.reduce (.zero) { partialResult, d in
partialResult + d
}) / dv2.count
print ("--> div1: ", t1)
print ("--> div2: ", t2)
func measure (f: () -> Void) -> ContinuousClock.Duration {
let c = ContinuousClock ()
let d = c.measure {
f ()
return d
// Compute division by `/` operator
func div1 (_ u: Int, _ v: Int) -> Int {
assert (v > 0)
let q = u/v
return q
// Compute division by subtraction
func div2 (_ u: Int, _ v: Int) -> Int {
assert (v > 0)
var q = 0
var n = u
while v <= n {
n -= v
q += 1
return q