How does Swift choose a method from candidates in multiple conditional conformances

Take Dictionary as an example, suppose I define multiple conditional conformances for it, each having a method with same signature, which one will the compiler choose when I call that method on a dict which has all conformances?

I have run into this scenario a few times. At first I just changed func name to avoid it. But I also did experiments and found compiler behaved as same as my intuition. It looks for the most specific condition. If found, it uses that method; otherwise, it throws ambiguity error.

struct Foo: Identifiable, Comparable, Hashable {
    var id: UUID = UUID()
    var value: Int = 0

    static func < (lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo) -> Bool {
        lhs.value < rhs.value
Example 1: there is a most specific condition
extension Dictionary where Value: Identifiable {
    func get(id: Key) -> Element? {
        print("Identifiable version is called")
        return nil

extension Dictionary where Value: Identifiable, Value: Comparable {
    func get(id: Key) -> Element? {
        print("Identifiable&Comparable version is called")
        return nil

func test1() {
    let foo1 = Foo()
    let foo2 = Foo()
    let foos = [ foo1, foo2]
    foos.get(id: UUID())
Example 2: there isn't one

extension Dictionary where Value: Identifiable, Value: Hashable {
    func get(id: Key) -> Element? {
        print("Identifiable&Hashable version is called")
        return nil

extension Dictionary where Value: Identifiable, Value: Comparable {
    func get(id: Key) -> Element? {
        print("Identifiable&Comparable version is called")
        return nil

func test2() {
    let foo1 = Foo()
    let foo2 = Foo()
    let foos = [ foo1, foo2]
    foos.get(id: UUID())

Does anyone know if this is an officially supported feature? I ask because I can't find any mention of this behavior on the net.

EDIT: Another question. What's the recommended solution in example 2 above? Is it possible to give hints to compiler somehow other than changing func name?

I should have checked SE-0143 first.

When satisfying a protocol requirement, Swift chooses the most specific member that can be used given the constraints of the conformance.


It's worth noting that your examples are not conditional conformances because your extensions don't introduce new protocol conformances. So SE-0143 doesn't apply.

I don't know if the community has an official term for extensions of the kind:

extension Dictionary where Value: Identifiable

I guess I'd call this a constrained extension or conditional extension.

But the rules are similar to those stated in SE-0143. Given multiple overloads of the same symbol, the type checker will generally pick the most specific one that matches, or raise an error when there's ambiguity. I don't think the concrete rules are documented in a single place.

You may be able to add @_disfavoredOverload to one of the methods, but it's not an official feature.

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