How do top-level `try` expressions work?

I understand how try, try? and try! work generally, and understand top-level await etc, but I'm struggling to figure out what happens when a line like this fails with an exception:

let file = try AVAudioFile(forWriting: invalidURL, settings: settings)

I assumed that a line like that would need to be inside a do-catch or a function that explicitly throws, as there's no way to handle the error here. I'm confused??

Thanks for taking the time.

I always assumed that try at the top level functions the same as try!. I decided to test it with this short code:

struct E: Error {}

func yeet() throws {
  throw E()

try yeet()

This gives the error message Swift/ErrorType.swift:200: Fatal error: Error raised at top level: main.E(), followed by a backtrace, and finally the text

When I replace the try with try!, the exact same thing happens, except that the first line of the error message is now main/main.swift:11: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: main.E(). I still get a backtrace and the "illegal instruction" message.

So, it would appear that at the top level, the only difference between try and try! is the wording of the error message.


There is a difference in the presence of defer statements and most likely deinitializers too. This program prints "Hello, world!", but doesn't if try is replaced with try!.

struct E: Error {}

func yeet() throws {
    throw E()

defer { print("Hello, world!") }
try yeet()

I see. Thank you both for your help. Much appreciated.