So I am getting the following error while trying to setup SourceKit-LSP :
[Error - 5:12:30 PM] Starting client failed
Launching server using command sourcekit-lsp failed.
I opened a swift file into VS code and this error message shows up on the terminal. The steps I did before this:
I added the .vsix file through command palette
I installed swift-5.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2019-02-16-a-osx. I know that the recommended toolchain is swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2019-02-14-a but the oldest version for Swift 5 toolchain that I could find on the link provided was 2019-02-16-a.
I added the path '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains' to the toolchain at Preferences/Settings/ SourceKit-LSP
I also tried 'swift build' on the terminal after this and I get the following error - error: terminated(72): xcrun --sdk macosx --find xctest output:
Do I have to change the swift version to swift 5 somehow using the toolchain since I currently use Swift 4.2?
Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong. Thank you for your time and attention.
Or if you installed the toolchain only for the current user, it would be under the home directory ~/Library/Developer/.....
Is this all the error message you get, or did this get cut off? If you want to try building with the toolchain you downloaded, you can set the environment variable TOOLCHAINS=swift to use the latest swift toolchain that you've installed.
You have server path set to sourcekit-lsp, which will only work if sourcekit-lsp is in a location that is in your PATH. It's probably easiest to set it to an absolute path for now. For example, /path/to/sourcekit-lsp/.build/debug/sourcekit-lsp.
Hello, folks. Do you know how to setup Swift configurations in NeoVim? And if you successfully setup your Swift in NeoVim, please let me see your configurations. Thank you