Help understanding runtime crash involving non-escaping closures

I had a surprising issue come up recently that I don’t totally understand, which is possibly related to escaping/non-escaping closures. Consider the following code, which will ‘chain’ together a bunch of methods such that they get called sequentially.

import Foundation
final class Chainer {
    var callees: [Callee]
    init(callees: [Callee]) {
        self.callees = callees
    func performAndInvoke(_ invocation: () -> Void) {
        // if you wrap this implementation in a call to
        // `withoutActuallyEscaping(invocation) { invocation in ... }`
        // then it won't crash at runtime. why?
        var chainedInvocation = invocation
        for callee in callees.reversed() {
            let nextInvocation = chainedInvocation
            chainedInvocation = {
final class Callee {
    var value: String
    init(value: String) {
        self.value = value
    func performAndInvoke(_ invocation: () -> Void) {
        print("performing with value: \(value)")
let c: [Callee] = [
    Callee(value: "one"),
    // commenting out the second element prevents a runtime crash. why?
    Callee(value: "two"),
let ch = Chainer(callees: c)
ch.performAndInvoke({ print("final invocation") })

When I compile and run this snippet from the command line, I get a runtime crash with the error terminated by signal SIGBUS (Misaligned address error). If I compile with the undefined behavior sanitizer (swiftc -sanitize=undefined ... ) and run it, I get slightly more info, but it’s still not super-clear to me what the underlying problem is:

==22622==ERROR: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: BUS on unknown address (pc 0x000199ea9f5c bp 0x000199eea5e4 sp 0x00016b9a1cd0 T16579874)
==22622==The signal is caused by a UNKNOWN memory access.
==22622==Hint: this fault was caused by a dereference of a high value address (see register values below). Disassemble the provided pc to learn which register was used.

If I wrap the implementation within a call to withoutActuallyEscaping, it seems to fix the issue, but I’m not entirely sure why. It’s a bit surprising to me that this compiles successfully but seems to cause invalid memory access at runtime. Any ideas what the underlying issue is in this instance? Thanks in advance!


It does look like a bug as if I step through the app - it works, and if I run it - it crashes. The bug disappears when I put "escaping" for the closure parameter (even if the call is not actually escaping).

Compiler bug aside: the app would crash on stack overflow if you pass it a long list of items (like 50K), so proceed with this approach with care.

Edit: The following simpler version seems to be doing the same as your version, just without recursion / call chaining, so it won't blow stack up when passed a long list of items:

    func performAndInvoke(_ invocation: () -> Void) {
        for callee in callees {
            callee.performAndInvoke {}

I'd optimise it making the closure parameter of "callee.performAndInvoke" optional.